DL Open Thread Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 21, 2024 8 Comments

Big night at the Democratic National Convention, as both Michelle and Barack Obama showed off their skills. The contrast between the Obamas’ soaring oratory and Trump’s professional wrestling taunts and bluster could not be sharper. Look, clowns have their place – the circus. So if you let them run the country, they turn it into a circus, and you wind up with elephant shit.

Not literal elephant shit, of course. Elephant shit like this: Lawsuits by GOP attorneys general funded by the oil industry. Literal elephant shit would be a bargain by comparison.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, there’s plenty of information about troop movements and drone attacks – has any war ever given the public so much raw information? – but nobody is really sure of the goal behind its invasion of Russian territory.

In Gaza, the slaughter of course continues, but what’s new is Trump’s probable violation of the Logan Act. It appears he told Bibi what Bibi already knew: a ceasefire would help Harris. I’m sure he asked Bibi to do him a favor, because that’s what he does. I’m also sure that if you asked him what the Logan Act is he wouldn’t know.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Jason says:

    How do you make the Democratic Party a big tent that is open to center and right of center people without watering down its values like some kind of compromise addicted Chris Coons? You listen to the Obama’s and do it like them.

    “Kamala has shown her allegiance to this nation, not by spewing anger and bitterness, but by living a life of service and always pushing the doors of opportunity open to others, She understands that most of us will never be afforded the grace of failing forward. We will never benefit from the affirmative action of generational wealth.”

    The “affirmative action of generational wealth” is a the line I’ve been waiting for a democrat to come up with for 30 years.

    • bamboozer says:

      ” Generational Wealth” is the non threatening version of an Aristocracy, families that will be rich in perpetuity. Sadly we are beyond that point already.

      • puck says:

        ” Generational Wealth” is the non threatening version of an Aristocracy”

        Not really. For most of us, Generational Wealth means that your parents can help you pay for college or put a down payment on your first house. It means your parents can support themselves as they get older instead of relying on your income while you are trying to raise your own kids. People who don’t have even that level of support have a hard time getting ahead.

        That’s different from leaving you a large sum of cash or a trust fund.

  2. puck says:

    That’s a good line. It reminds me of Obama’s 2013 speech naming income inequality “the defining challenge of our time” – three years after he signed Republican tax cuts for the rich. Obama has always been maddening that way.

  3. Arthur says:

    Duh, the Logan Act is canon so Logan’s storyline wasnt tarnished in Deadpool and Wolverine

  4. RFK to go all-in with Trump? I think so. He’ll probably serve as the Secretary Of Brain Worms:


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