Voter Outreach, BHL-Style

Filed in Delaware by on August 21, 2024 19 Comments

I just got an unsolicited text message:

Hi, this is Ethan with Bethany Hall-Long for Governor. Bethany is a career educator, nurse and public servant endorsed by Governor Carney, the DE Democratic Party, the DE State Education Association, and many other state leaders. She has a bold plan to make Delaware the best place to live, work, and raise a family. Can she count on your vote in the Sept. 10 Democratic Primary?

6-Not voting

The emphasis is mine. What is this bold plan, Ethan, of which you so glibly speak? First I’ve heard of it.

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  1. I got the same thing.

    If I had to guess, ‘Ethan’ is not a real person.

    We had an additional choice:

    “Stop. Unsubscribe.”

    Couldn’t click that one fast enough.

    • Alby says:

      You’re no fun.

      I sent back a message, “What bold plan?”

      A response directed me to her issues page,

      I messaged back,

      Sounds nice but if she wants my vote she’ll have to release a true audit of the commingling of her personal and campaign accounts.

      “Ethan” responded:

      An out-of-state republican millionaire supporting Matt Meyer is funding a super PAC spreading lies about Bethany. Read this recent news story with the campaign’s rebuttal to the false accusations.

      It adds a link to the Bay-to-Bay News story that just repeats BHL’s claims.

      I wrote back,

      The accusations have nothing to do with Matt Meyer. And I’m not convinced by her explanations. I want a full accounting or no sale.

      We’ll see if I get any response. I’m curious as to whether these are auto-generated, because if they are they must be anticipating pushback about her campaign funding.

      I’ll update if I get more response.

  2. Al Catraz says:

    Did you know BHL was a nurse? Wow. I’d never heard that before.

    In Jerry Price news, he tweeted the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard. Apparently, Delaware was the first state to ratify the Constitution and thus has the nickname “The First State”.

    I was so surprised by that fact, I wrote it down someplace I wouldn’t forget – on everyone’s license plate.

    It’s really sad. Who talked him into this?

    • Beach Karen says:

      He recently moved to Delaware from New York. I was fortunate enough to hear his live announcement on Sussex County radio several months ago. He’s running because Delaware doesn’t take his NY cop insurance, and when he’s elected, he’s going to make Delaware take his NY cop insurance.

      It’s a very Jerry centric campaign. I’m excited to see how it ends.

  3. FWIW says:

    In related news, DSEA is paying no mind to the Red Clay teachers.

    Today, they filed a campaign finance report showing that they just spent another $28k on mailers for Bethany.

  4. BLT says:

    When we (Meyer) win in November, we will remove all the ineffective Delaware Way sycophants from party leadership positions, beginning with incompetent Betsy Maron and working our way down.

    • BLT says:

      A complete overhaul.

    • Paul T says:

      What are you talking about? Meyer has the largest assistants payroll in NCC history? He has taken regular jobs and turned them into political appointments to the tune of $2.1 million. He is a different group Delaware Way, not doing away with it. He is the Delaware way 2.1. The chamber of commerce will be running the State.

      • BLT says:

        The current party executives are do nothings but hey I’m not complaining. They can’t get their act together and people are clear they want change. And How’s that Del Dems endorsement working out? Also…Don’t you and loud mouth racist Maravellis have airplanes to be flying over the beaches to try to convince all those out of towners enjoying Delaware’s natural treasure not to vote for us right?

        • Paul T says:

          Racist Maravelias was elected every time by a membership that is about 90% persons of color so I’m guessing he has their respect. I doubt you have a friends list that has those numbers. If you are voting for Meyer the liar, you are voting Republican and big business. Lots of lawyers and developers on his donors list and quite a few out of state.

          • Alby says:

            “I’m guessing he has their respect.”

            Guessing, eh? Didn’t ask them, did you?

            You sleazebags kill me. Like the Democrats don’t fellate the Chamber just as much as the GOP does. It wasn’t the GOP that took the Shovel Money to Corporations committee “quasi-public” so they could hide the giveaways.

            You really do need to get over the idea that you’re fooling anybody.

            • BLT says:

              If Paul and the unions and Maravellis were so worried about who’s cozying up to the chamber, they wouldn’t be supporting Speaker Horseface who has her own issues with race and how to introduce her black colleague on the floor as. Chamber staffers are knocking doors for her.
              Paul it’s a beautiful day so you and Maravellis should have clear skies to go fly your planes over the beach today since that’s all you guys seem to be doing.

      • MC says:

        Bethany is going to be taking on the chamber of commerce? I don’t recall her saying that when they hosted for her the forum? Did she forget? Or is this just another lie?

        Btw are taxpayers gonna pay for Dougherty and Volturos lawyers?

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