Delaware Liberal

Just One More Thing BHL Won’t Talk To The Press About

More blatant Delaware Way shit, this time featuring all her buddies at the Department Of Elections. Tell me again why the State Senate didn’t bother asking Anthony Albence any questions when Carney reappointed him:

State election officials in Delaware communicated directly with one or more aides in Lt. Gov. Bethany Hall-Long’s office last year amid a scandal involving her campaign finance reports, according to emails obtained by The Associated Press.

The emails show that Elections Commissioner Anthony Albence, a fellow Democrat, wanted to keep Hall-Long’s office apprised of queries by the AP about amendments to years of campaign finance reports in which Hall-Long failed to disclose hundreds of thousands of dollars in loans.

On Oct. 23, the AP emailed election officials with questions about apparent errors in amended filings by Hall-Long. Citing technical issues, officials sent a follow-up response the next day — while also alerting a top aide in Hall-Long’s office.

“FYI,” Albence wrote in an email to Andrew Volturo, strategic advisor for policy and special projects in the lieutenant governor’s office. The email was sent to Volturo’s Gmail account, not his state government account. It’s unclear how Albence knew Volturo had a Gmail account.

Later that day, Albence directed his staff to send Volturo another update.

“Would you like to let Drew V. know about these updates, so that he is aware?” he wrote in an email to Patrick Jackson, campaign finance manager for the department. Frank Broujos, the deputy attorney general from Jennings’ office assigned to the Department of Elections, was copied on the email.

“Called Drew, who’s now in his happy place,” Jackson responded minutes later. Broujos was also copied on that email, as well as Albence’s reply.

Volturo has previously rebuffed questions from the AP about Hall-Long’s campaign finances, implying he had no involvement in or knowledge about the campaign. He did not respond to emails Thursday.

There’s more.  Just read it.  Know that this is merely the casual corruption of the Delaware Way.

Just one more reason to clean house, starting on or before September 10.

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