DL Open Thread Monday, Aug. 26, 2024

Filed in Open Thread by on August 26, 2024 4 Comments

Admit it, you had no idea the Kamala Harris candidacy would be this popular. Her campaign announced it has raised $540 million since Joe Biden bowed out, which works out to about $100 million a week. Now you know why Trump is jealous.

Trump is running scared, all right. Now he’s making noises about backing out of the one debate both have agreed to. He’s gone from unrivaled to unraveled.

Harris’ ascendency seems to have brought about a sea change in Democratic attitudes. As Rick Perlstein notes, they’re no longer running away from their own agenda. It helps, of course, that Republicans are proudly trumpeting their plan to return to the 19th century, unaware of its unpopularity.

The rich are different from you and me – they file lawsuits with abandon. Some Rehoboth Beach residents are suing the city commissioners over what they say is an overly generous contract awarded to the new city manager. He gets a $250,000 annual salary, plus $50,000 in moving expenses and a $750,000 home loan that will be forgiven in full if he stays for seven years. Who says public service doesn’t pay?

The floor’s yours.

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Biden bowing out put full focus on the rapidly failing Trump, Trump in turn is now center stage for dementia and advanced old age. But the what made it all better then we had hoped for is that the nation, admit it or not, was ready for a new face. And with it came the prospect of smashing the glass ceiling of the presidency, and with a woman of color no less. Hope and joy are back, and it cannot help but remind me of Obama.

  2. Not-a-chump says:

    The good vibes and brat summer feel like a repeat of ‘08. I remember all of the same hope and change being served up in the form of Obama. Uncle joe said the quiet part loud-he was a nice, articulate young man. Eight years of same neoliberalism, but at least the guy at the helm had a cool playlist!

    Still voting Kamala, but anyone thinking that she will do anymore than fiddle with the dials is kidding themselves.

    • Alby says:

      All signs point that way, but then Biden did more than I thought he would or could, so why harsh the mellow?

      Also, pick a name and stick with it, please.

  3. Jason says:

    If Harris wins and governs as Biden (more left than people expect) it will because that is what wins elections these days. We have a part to play in that, I suppose. And anyone who thinking that a politician will do anything that doesn’t help them win the next election is kidding themselves.

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