Song of the Day 8/26: Sam Moore and Isaac Hayes, “Hold On, I’m Comin'”

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on August 26, 2024 0 Comments

Trump is in legal trouble again, this time over music. The estate of Isaac Hayes has been granted an emergency hearing in its lawsuit against Trump’s campaign for repeatedly using “Hold On, I’m Comin’,” the Sam & Dave hit that Hayes wrote with David Porter, without permission at his rallies. (Odd choice for an adjudicated sex criminal, but never mind.)

Musicians objecting to use of their songs at political events – complaints mostly but not always lodged against Republicans – are campaign-season staples. Rarely if ever do the disputes make it to court. A cease-and-desist letter usually does the trick, but this is Donald Trump we’re talking about.

Hayes’ estate seeks $3 million from Trump for the unauthorized use of the song, which, well, good luck with that. Just to show that these disputes cut both ways, back in 2012 Sam Moore asked another campaign – Barack Obama’s – to stop using the 1966 track.

Moore and Hayes teamed up to perform the song at Hayes’ induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2002.

Here’s a clip of Moore and Dave Prater performing their breakthrough hit, which only reached No. 21 on the Hot 100 but topped the R&B chart. You can see why the duo, who didn’t get along – they once went 13 years without speaking to each other offstage – were sometimes called the Sultans of Sweat.

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