Delaware Liberal

AG Jennings Goes There!

It’s where anybody who is paying attention should have already gone.

Bethany Hall-Long has engaged in so much illegal and unethical activity that any reasonable person should realize that she absolutely should not be our next Governor.

This unethical activity pretty much started when she first ran for office and (a) her husband stole her opponent’s signs, and (b) illegally accessed information about Section 8 residents in BHL’s district and forwarded it to the campaign to be used in an illegal manner.

I’ll save the rest for my write-up of the Governor’s race.

We now know that the Department of Elections withheld information damaging to her campaign until a FOIA request, and that they are withholding more information damaging to her campaign.  How do I know?  Because if it wasn’t damaging to her campaign, it would be public record by now.   The State Auditor simply must conduct a performance audit of this long-time Delaware Way agency.

But that’s not today’s story, which was broken by Nick Stonesifer.  BHL has been saying ‘Fuck you’ to the AG’s office for nine months:

The Delaware Attorney General’s office sent a letter late last week to the lieutenant governor’s staff demanding access to information about the state’s $250 million opioid relief fund.

The state’s chief prosecutor first sought access to monitoring information during a meeting more than nine months ago with the lieutenant governor, and has yet to receive information on any awardees, according to a letter obtained by Spotlight Delaware.

Now, kids, consider this:  The only reason why Delaware secured these funds is because Attorneys General across the country litigated against the manufacturers and distributors on behalf of the publicBethany Hall-Long had absolutely nothing to do when it came to securing this $250 mill.

Now, keep in mind that the so-called commission established to disburse and track these funds was established within the Lieutenant Governor’s office. Paging John Carney.  Yes, the Attorney General co-chaired this commission, but, and this is important, has been consistently outvoted by BHL’s Mindless Minions when it comes to disbursing the funds.  Which is what happens when only one person dedicated to protecting the public’s interest is on a commission.

We’ve seen some of the grifters who appear to have gotten money solely because of their fealty to BHL.  BHL’s Chief of Staff is supposedly in charge of tracking how the funds are used.  Except she hasn’t.  Some of Bethany’s best buds have gotten a second ’emergency’ grant with absolutely no evidence that they have spent the first grant, and/or have spent it properly.

The response from BHL’s office is absolutely pathetic:

A spokesperson for Hall-Long’s office shared a response letter from Holloway to Davis with Spotlight Delaware.

The letter, dated Tuesday, said a request had been made in November for the DOJ to get access to the monitoring software, but that there was never any follow-up from the DOJ’s office.

I’m confused. Where the fuck does it say in state law that the AG’s office has to ask more than once for information pertinent to the AG’s position as the co-Chair of the Commission?

Not to mention, it has been well-documented that, on multiple occasions over the past few months, the AG has publicly called for the Commission to stop awarding grants until it can be determined that the money is doing what it is supposed to be doing.  I mean, does anybody believe that Trippi Congo, having experienced a $450 K windfall, got right to work fighting the opioid crisis?  I don’t.  But even if one did, shouldn’t an adult audit what he’s doing with that money?

The mind reels.  No doubt BHL will claim this is politically-motivated, just like she has with her totally screwed-up campaign finance reports and the missing money.  (She, BTW, has admitted wrongdoing, albeit ‘inadvertent’ wrongdoing in that case.  A crime is a crime nevertheless.  Plus, her ethically-bankrupt husband served as her treasurer for 20 years.  Puh-leeze.)

The fact is that the Attorney General has sought, and has been denied, access to critical information concerning the Opioid fund despite being co-chair of the Commission overseeing it.  That access has been denied by the Lieutenant Governor and her incompetent and/or unethical staff.

Tell me again why anyone who isn’t knee-deep in her blatant abuse of governmental norms would ever vote for her.

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