DL Open Thread Wednesday, Aug. 28, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on August 28, 2024 7 Comments

Count on Donald Trump to screw the unscrewable pooch. Seeking to dispel the accurate charge that he has contempt for the U.S military and those who join it, Trump’s team took him to Arlington National Cemetery for a photo op proving that he does too like the troops, even if he calls them “suckers.” Just one problem: The cemetery bans political activity. Did that stop the MAGAts? Of course not. They even attacked the guards who tried to stop them. Your mileage may vary, but I won’t be satisfied until we unleash the equivalent of Sherman’s March on the American fascist movement.

Trying to hold them accountable in court has run afoul of the right’s decades of court-packing, but special prosecutor Jack Smith keeps plugging away. He filed a new indictment against Trump over his Jan. 6 coup plotting, this time without some of the evidence that ran afoul of the Supreme Court’s egregious “the president is a king” ruling.

Mark Zuckerberg, the gormless twit who stole one good idea and thinks it makes him anything other than a gormless twit, groveled before Jim Jordan and his pack of congressional hyenas, lamenting that he listened when the Biden administration pressured him to take some responsibility for harming the public. He also promised that next time he won’t listen. Nice try, sport, but you’re still the only tech bigshot without his own space penis.

If you want to deflect the accusation that you’re weird, what better way to do it than fawn over batshit lunatic RFK Jr.. There are those who think Trump might even bump JD Vance off the ticket in favor of Brain Worm Boy. No, nothing weird there.

I have an early dentist appointment, so you’re guaranteed to be having a better day than I am. The floor’s yours.

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    • Well, that’s an old article.

      However, it’s just one in a litany of higly-questionable and quite possibly illegal activities that Bethany Hall-Long, her staff, her husband, and other state agencies have engaged in on her behalf.

      Let’s not put too fine a spin on it: She has engaged in illegal activity for years based on how she’s used her own campaign funds. Her husband engaged in illegal activities to help her campaigns. Her staff has apparently illegally worked on her campaign during office hours.

      Will someone please tell me WHY THE FUCK the AG isn’t doing anything? Her hands are not tied. I know she’d prefer not to have a criminal for governor. Then she should do something about it rather than be a Delaware version of the feckless Merrick Garland.

      There. I’ve said it.

  1. All Seeing says:

    What about cracked compass CARNEY? He make $50 million taxpayers money go to Wilmington commercial buildings that type of realestate has very little value in today’s market all at the last minute of the legislative session. No hearings no heads up or enything of transparency. He’s truly the reincarnation of Ruth Ann’s corrupt practices. He needs to be scrutinize thoroughly for the sake of good government practices. He can’t be trusted on anything.

    • Y’know, he’s always gotten a pass as being a dunderhead, but an ethical one.

      I agree that his ethics need to be examined.

      ESPECIALLY since he (figuratively) embraces BHL as his partner and vouches for her ethics. Of which there are none.

  2. I says:

    Hi, I’m new here. Thanks for covering less visible races!

    I’ll be honest, I still have an axe to grind when it comes to Meyer and Comprehensive Rezoning. And knowing the warehouse developer that’s building next to our neighborhood and local schools donated $5000 to a pro-Meyer PAC just kills me. It’s a shame Meyer’s polling well, because I did get a thought-out response from the O’Mara campaign when I aired my grievances over it. He’s also

    Anyway, I do feel like the downballot has a lot of potential, and maybe we’ll have some great candidates for governor next time around.

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