Delaware Liberal

Yo, Lydia, Any Reports Hanging Around Your Desk Just Waiting To Be Made Public?

An Open Letter To Lydia York, State Auditor:

You and I both know something.  The same thing.  You are in possession of a report that could have a direct impact on a statewide race.  Almost certainly will. You and I both know what report we are talking about.

You and I are well aware of the import of this report.  You and I both know what it is in that report that is so important.

The report will eventually be released.  People will find out.  I know of at least part of its contents because it is impossible to keep a story like this hidden, especially when so many hands, so many agencies, so many people, so many educational institut…oops almost gave it away,  have taken part in the preparation of the report.

Seems to me you have three choices: (1) Release the report to the public now and, in so doing, demonstrate that Delaware Way corruption does not have any place in your office;  (2) Wait until after the primary.  The report will still come out, but your failure to release the report earlier will damage your independent reputation, plus the information that you withheld will THEN play a role in the General Election, assuming a certain someone wins the Primary.  (3) Delay the report until after the election.  Your reputation will be sealed, and not in a good way.  Do you really want to run for reelection in 2026 with your reputation in such disrepute?

I enthusiastically supported you because you represent(ed) a breath of fresh air from the casual corruption of the Delaware Way that Kathleen McGuiness embodied.

I still believe that you have the best interests of the State at heart.  Now’s the time to demonstrate it.



Steve Tanzer

Delaware Liberal

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