Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread: Saturday, August 31, 2024

Gotta make this quick–Arden Fair beckons (Catch me at the book sale from 10-12!)

Brazil Shows Us The Way.  This is how you get rid of that Musk-y Odor Of Misinformation:

X began to go dark across Brazil on Saturday after the nation’s Supreme Court blocked the social network because its owner, Elon Musk, refused to comply with court orders to suspend certain accounts.

The moment posed one of the biggest tests yet of the billionaire’s efforts to transform the site into a digital town square where just about anything goes.

In a highly unusual move, Justice Moraes also said that any person in Brazil who tried to still use X via common privacy software called a virtual private network, or VPN, could be fined nearly $9,000 a day.

Justice Moraes also froze the finances of a second Musk business in Brazil, SpaceX’s Starlink satellite-internet service, to try to collect $3 million in fines he has levied against X. Starlink — which has recently exploded in popularity in Brazil, with more than 250,000 customers — said that it planned to fight the order and would make its service free in Brazil if necessary.

Georgia Elections Workers Go After Rudy’s Bling.  Yesyesyes:

The Georgia election workers who successfully sued former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani for defamation asked a federal court on Friday to enforce the $146 million judgment in their favor, listing a wide variety of personal items that could be used to pay off the money they’re owed.

Lawyers for Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss are seeking a court order requiring that Giuliani turn over within the next seven days his properties in New York and Florida, his Mercedes-Benz, more than two-dozen luxury watches, various sports memorabilia, including three New York Yankees World Series rings, and other personal items.

Speaking to CNN’s Kaitlan Collins from the Republican National Convention, Giuliani said he had “no regrets at all” about his false accusations, while comparing his legal plight to “the Japanese internment during the second war.”


Our PAL Val’s PAL Site Just Might Serve A Useful Purpose After All.  Because, you know, it was built on County land.

In a part of Delaware notorious for dropped phone calls, New Castle County and Verizon are teaming up to fill the void.

New Castle County Executive Matt Meyer, county workers, lawmakers, and a Verizon executive, broke ground on Thursday, August 29, 2024, for a new cell tower on the grounds of the Police Athletic League (PAL) on Lancaster Pike.

“The infrastructure has to be there in order for you to get the service,” said Kilpatrick. “Which is the reason this is a great place to have it because we are on county land.”

“I just think every Delawarean should wake up in the morning and if they need to call 9-1-1 or need to call a loved one with some emergency need, they should be able to do that. It’s 20-24,” said Meyer.

Hockessin, and an area in southern New Castle County, were previously identified as having poor cell coverage.

Yo, Val, this means you have a job to do–Make sure those prospective Hockessin juvenile delinquents to whom you are mentoring so diligently don’t trash the cell tower.  Oh, and whatever you do, don’t try to instill in them your sense of what is ethical.  We have to hold out some hope for the next generation.

See you at the Fair!

What do you want to talk about?

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