Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Monday, Sept. 2, 2024

The New York Times’ mollycoddling of Trump has gotten especially egregious lately, and you’re not the only one who noticed. Margaret Sullivan, the Times’ former public editor, calls them out for their recent whopper comparing Kamala Harris’ affordable housing plan to Trump’s, which is no better thought out than “we’ll deport millions of people.” I regret that I had only one subscription to cancel for my country.

Israel’s indiscriminate slaughter of Palestinians is supposedly in service of rescuing hostages taken in Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack. It’s not going so well, and the execution of six hostages as rescuers closed in shows why. As a result, Israeli is under a general strike today, with widespread street protests still in progress.

In a not unrelated story, Robert Kuttner at the American Prospect calls on the Democratic Party to adopt measures to root out the scourge of AIPAC. As he notes, they’re sneaky bastards. They spend millions to defeat progressive Democrats, but they never mention Israel as an issue, maybe because a lot of people might find foreign meddling in American elections odious.

In another entry for the Advice That Won’t Be Taken file, Robert Reich has some ideas on how to rein in Elon Musk. When he gets to boycotting Xitter, he directs it at advertisers, not users, perhaps because he knows the punditry might disappear if they couldn’t tweet.

If the American republic is coming apart at the seams, well, it happens to the best of democracies. In the opinion of one prominent constitutional scholar, the document itself is a major source of our problems, so maybe it’s time for a new one. Man, that Advice That Won’t Be Taken file is stuffed today.

The floor’s yours.

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