Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024

Trump did and said some dumb shit yesterday, I don’t even know what and I don’t much care. He’ll do and say some dumb shit today that they’ll report tomorrow, too, because they just can’t quit saying “You won’t believe what he said now.” Yes, yes I would. He obviously will say anything, and it’s a fool’s errand to listen to it, so I’m not going to. Fuck that guy, and the media that pretends not to know that he’ll say anything to anybody if he thinks it will make him look good.

The so-called news media will be the last to catch on, but as this former GOP pollster contends, even Trump’s fans are fed up with his shtick. Sarah Longwell said,

They’re bored with the drama, they’re tired of the insults, they’re tired of the lies about the election. They want to know what is somebody going to do for them. They want to know how somebody is going to handle the economy, handle inflation, and they’re interested in a new pitch and that’s what Kamala Harris has for them.

A lot of it is the contrast that they see with her message, which is being optimistic and uplifting, and Donald Trump’s being doom and gloom. And that exhaustion is in there, they’re just like, “I’m tired of this and I like the idea of something new.”

The ripple effects of the pandemic are still moving through the economy, and it’s not just the record price-gouging profits at the grocery store. The next of the centipede’s shoes to drop: Almost a trillion dollars in commercial real estate loans are coming due this year, and plunging values in the commercial market means banks are going to take it on the chin. And when banks take it on the chin, it should go without saying, you take it on the chin, because government is poised to step in to help – them, not you.

You might think that when you buy an electric vehicle it gets a gas-guzzler off the road, but it’s just not so. A lot of them, even the clunkers that aren’t fit to drive, are exported to Third World countries, where they continue to spew carbon dioxide while endangering public safety. It’s a reminder that individual private vehicles, even EVs, will never curb emissions as much as efficient public transit does.

The floor’s yours.

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