DL Open Thread Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on September 4, 2024 2 Comments

“Trump has yet to find an attack on Harris that will stick.” This is, no joke, how the media is treating his campaign’s All Insults, All The Time strategy, along with dutifully repeating every insult every time. That they consider this part of their mission is good evidence that they are part of the problem.

Speaking of parts of the problem, Politico’s Jonathan Martin interviewed a bunch of Republicans off the record and got them to revealtheir fever dreams about a post-Trump GOP and how best to achieve it. The headline, “The GOP Is Actually Better Off if Kamala Harris Wins,” gives away the real story: They’re losing and they know it.

That doesn’t mean the special treatment of Trump has ended. He’s trying to bluster his way through the Arlington Desecration the way he usually does, by lying about it, so it’s time to get to the bottom of what really happened. The media would rather do something that takes less work, for example, repeating every Trump insult.

Something that’s apparently even harder, in fact so hard your major media outlets won’t do it, is reporting on the fact that Biden’s policies are rebuilding American manufacturing. Apparently it won’t be news until diner patrons in Ohio notice it.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. THREE anti-Meyer mailers today. One, from that hinky ‘People For A Healthy Delaware’ PAC, blisters Meyer’s ‘dark money’ donors. Pot, meet kettle, as Cassandra used to say here.

    The other two, identical, are the Meyer as Sexual Predator Protector, neither sponsored by Bethany.

    The amount of dark money spent on this race by both sides is obscene.

  2. School shooting in Georgia:


    If it seems like there have been fewer mass shootings lately, it’s because they’re down about 35% under Biden.

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