Delaware Liberal

El Somnambulo Picks Some Of ‘Em For You

Wasn’t gonna do this.  But, I can’t help myself.

US Representative:  Sarah McBride (D) and Donyale Hall (R).  Assuming, of course, that anybody turns out to vote in the Republican Primary.

Governor:  Matt Meyer (D) wins, doesn’t quite get to 50%.  Let’s say 46%, BHL 32%, O’Mara 22%.  Can’t wait for the Delaware Way implosion that will follow.  Mike Ramone (R) overwhelmingly wins the primary over two names on the ballot.

Lieutenant GovernorKyle Evans Gay wins comfortably.  I think she gets to 50%.

Insurance Commissioner:  Navarro wins.  I’m casting a protest vote for Kayode Abegunde because Navarro deserves a serious challenger.  Sadly, Abegunde isn’t that challenger.

Senate District 18:  Mealy-mush-mouthed Dave Wilson wins against Bob Reed in R primary.

Rep. District 2:.  Buccini/Pollin fave Stephanie Bolden (D) easily turns back James Taylor.

Rep. District 3:  Branden Fletcher Dominguez (D) has the ground game to turn back Josue Ortega, who has more of the Delaware Way $$’s backing him.  Say, 62-38.

Rep. District 10:  Melanie Ross Levin (D) handily defeats Dennis ‘I run for office, therefore I am’ Williams and The Chiropractor Jankovic.  Think she’ll get around 65%.

Rep. District 14:  Speaker Pete has retired.  He’s been trying to (give the) rub (to) Kathy McGuiness, just as he did when he backed her for reelection as State Auditor.  The 14th RD rejected both of them then, and I think they’ll reject them again.  I think Claire Snyder-Hall will win, and I think she should win.  While I like Marty Rendon, I believe we need someone who will strongly challenge the hegemony of the Delaware Way. That’s Claire. I won’t even hazard a guess on percentages.

Rep. District 15: Maybe I’m missing something.  I’ve campaigned in that district for Kamela Smith something like 12 times, maybe more.  Knocked on hundreds of doors.  I’ve been surprised by the lack of support for Our PAL Val Longhurst, the incumbent, and the Speaker Of The House.  No real district strongholds for Longhurst.  Most people have never met her.  Support for Kam has grown stronger with every pass through the district.  I’ve knocked doors on quite a few insurgent campaigns:  Bryan Townsend over Tony DeLuca, and Marie Pinkney over Dave McBride, to name but two.   This has the same feel, even down to the parade of surrogates trying to drag Val’s carcass across the finish line.  Some understandable, some not.  Yes, Val had a shitload of money.  So, too, did Tony DeLuca.  Betcha people are getting two or three mailers a day from Val.  Didn’t work for Tony, I honestly don’t think it will work for Val.  Why? Great grassroots campaign by Kam and her team.  Upset Special:  Kam defeats Longhurst, 53-47.

Rep. District 20:  Stell Parker Selby easily turns back the challenge of one Brian Jenkins in this Suxco district.  I checked, couldn’t find a single solitary fact on Jenkins.

Rep. District 21: I think Frank Burns turns back the challenge of The Other Michael Smith in the D primary to replace the departing Mike Ramone.  It hasn’t been easy to even fill in the blanks of Smith’s candidacy,  which is probably to his advantage.  I’m guessing something like 55-45.

Rep. District 27:  I like Eric Morrison to turn back the heavily-financed (by all the wrong people) challenge of Margie Lopez Waite.  This may be the only primary this year where the traditional D constituencies have joined forces to ward off Eee-vil.  Not to mention, Eric’s progressive bona fides also help in this district.  It’s way premature, but if some of the races turn out the way I think they might, Eric would be a great choice for House Majority Leader.  Just sayin’.  I’m going 60-40.

Rep. District 29:  Sometimes, life intervenes.  I believe that Monica Shockley Porter can defeat Bill Bush.  However, due to circumstances beyond her control, she’s had to dial back on some of her campaign activities.  So, I think Bush wins in this northern Kent County district.  But in two years, watch out.  54-46.

Rep. District 34:  Pretty sure Tracey Miller wins over perennial candidate Ade Kuforiji.  The margin will be interesting in this Kent County district as we begin to see how competitive Miller might be in November against incumbent R Lyndon Yearick.

Rep. District 36:  Bryan Shupe (R) sweeps away the challenge of Patrick Smith in this northern Suxco district.

New Castle County Executive:  Marcus Henry rolls over the challenge from the terminally-incompetent Karen Hartley-Nagle.  Following the one-sided loss, KHN looks to sue somebody/anybody.  Doesn’t look in the mirror.

New Castle County Council President.  It would take someone with the mind of a 3-D chess master to accurately predict the order of finish in this race.  If you’d like to do it, and if you are 100% accurate, you win a free yearly subscription to Delaware Liberal.  I’m picking Monique Johns to win, largely because (a) she’s run before, and (b) she’s the only Black candidate in the race.  Never mind that not a thought about county government has ever crossed her furrowed brow.  I’m picking Bob Williams to finish last.  On merit.   But honestly (said Captain Obvious), I have no clue.

New Castle County Council.  George Smiley retains over the joke candidacy of Michael Brown in CD 7, and Kevin Caneco wins over George Dudlek in a closer contest in CD 12.

Wilmington Mayor:  Here’s what I think I know–Matt Meyer is gonna beat BHL in Wilmington by at least 10 points.  John Carney has basically curtailed his own campaign for Mayor to carry his criminal co-pilot across the finish line.  Seeing that, I would think that Velda Jones-Potter would win.  But then I think that Carney must have some polling that shows him well ahead because, otherwise, he’d be spending all his time on his own campaign.  But then I remember that Carney has never ran a substantive campaign for anything.  So, I think that Velda Jones-Potter wins this race, maybe 52-48.  Let it be said, though, that I have absolutely no confidence in this prediction.

I have only one prediction in the Wilmington City Council races:  Shane Darby wins reelection.  I’m also rooting for Christian Willauer.  The rest?  I’m counting on you guys.

Finally, last, and arguably least, look for Susanne Whitney to defeat Delaware’s Laziest Candidate, Colin Bonini, for the R nomination for Kent County Register of Wills.

Here’s where you come in.  What do you know?  What do you think?  What do you think you know?  What do you think I don’t know?  What are your predictions?

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