Delaware Liberal

Bethany Hall-Long Copies Trump, Slings Mud in Desperation

Today marks the fourth day in a row I’ve received a mailer from Ms. Creant and the sleazy unions backing her that compares Matt Meyer to Donald Trump. You’d think they were running against a Republican, but no, all they have is that he once contributed to some Republicans – while you contributed to the NRA, Bethie dear – and someone filed a sexual harassment suit just in time for the campaign. The lawsuit names Meyer, but not the plaintiff’s alleged abuser, as a defendant, which shows you it was bullshit from jump.

That’s a Trump-like attack, but what choice does she have? She’s been in office for years, while Delaware ranks in the bottom 10 states in lots of things, including education, so she’s not running on her record. Instead she’s stooped to running an entirely negative campaign, just like Donny Boy. Indeed, accusing others of misbehavior to cover for his own worse behavior is a patented Trump move. Watch out – if he finds out you’ve stolen it he’s liable to sue.

If you’re trying to make an impression, it’s working, but it might not be the impression you’re shooting for. It’s impressing me that you and your backers are not just sleazy, you’re really, really desperate, too. Which makes me wonder why the construction trades are so hellbent on getting her elected. They’re spending like they have a lot to lose, because in my experience people only act that way when there’s a lot of money at stake. What’s the trough those unions are afraid of losing access to?

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