DL Primary Election Results Open Thread: Sept. 10, 2024

Filed in National by on September 10, 2024

Polls close at 8.  The timing on when the first results come in is, um, variable.

In theory, the early voting results could come in fairly early.

But I’ve detected no consistent pattern from the Department Of Elections over the past few cycles.

We should have a pretty good idea of where things stand by around 9:30 or so.

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  1. Al Catraz says:

    502 Bad Gateway looks to be the runaway winner.

  2. Annnnd, looks like the DOE website has crashed. Getting a ‘Bad Gateway’ notice.

    • Guess it’s less offensive than ‘Bad Director Of Elections’…

      • BLT says:

        Can’t wait for Governor Meyer to get rid of Anthony Albence

        • MonteCristo says:

          This is what happens when you let a state rot for 8 years. Maybe 75k vote in this election? There’s maybe 50 people looking at these results? All of them are also reading this blog.

          If you dumb fucks can keep this hellsite up why can’t John Carney?

  3. The NYTimes reports some results in the Governor’s race from Suxco:

    Meyer: 3688

    BHL: 2870

    O’Mara: 1147

    Supposedly 37% of Suxco vote in. I’m guessing this was early voting.

  4. Paula says:

    WDEL is breaking into the Phillies game occasionally with absentee and early voting totals. Meyer 54 to BHL 32 if I heard right, but is this no of votes or % I do not know!

    • Blue Jay Way says:

      Those are the numbers I saw before the site crashed. No way to know if they were from the whole state though. Good start for Matt, I think.

  5. Al Catraz says:

    Despite an early lead for Bad Gateway, it now looks like Loa Ding is rolling ahead.

  6. More Suxco Results for Lt. Governor:

    Kyle Evans Gay: 5637
    Sherry Dorsey Walker: 3524
    Debbie Harrington: 1277

  7. Al Catraz says:

    Can’t tell if these are ALL the early/absentee votes or not…

    Democratic Party
    Candidate Machine Votes Absentee Votes Early Voting Votes Total Votes Percentage
    BETHANY HALL-LONG 0 2,588 3,542 6,130 34.39 %
    MATT MEYER 0 3,745 5,532 9,277 52.05 %
    COLLIN O’MARA 0 888 1,528 2,416 13.56 %

  8. Al Catraz says:

    It’s hit or miss, but got these numbers on early/absentee

    State Representative District 15
    Democratic Party
    Candidate Machine Votes Absentee Votes Early Voting Votes Total Votes Percentage
    VALERIE LONGHURST 0 141 129 270 57.94 %
    KAMELA T. SMITH 0 67 129 196 42.06 %

  9. Al Catraz says:

    Nope, those early numbers seem to exclude Kent County:
    Democratic Party
    Candidate Party Wilmington Rest of New Castle Kent Sussex State Percentage

    BETHANY HALL-LONG Democratic Party 583 2,677 0 2,870 6,130 34.39 %

    MATT MEYER Democratic Party 1,260 4,329 0 3,688 9,277 52.05 %

    COLLIN O’MARA Democratic Party 226 1,043 0 1,147 2,416 13.56 %

  10. DOE is back. Bleepload of results. Pretty sure all are absentee and early votes:

    Sarah McBride well over 80%

    Matt Meyer up about 3000 over BHL, over 50% for now.

    Kyle Evans Gay up about 3000 over Sherry.

    Melanie Ross Levin is winning RD 10. Not close.

    Claire Snyder-Hall with a good early lead over Marty. KMG distant third.

  11. More:

    Val up about 65 over Kam–absentee and early votes.

    Too close to call in RD 21.

    Marcus Henry leading Karen Hartley-Nagle about 2 to 1.

    Monique Johns with early lead for NCC President. No idea where the votes are coming from.

    Kevin Caneco killing George Dudlek. Yes!!

    Carney and Velda running neck and neck.

    • I Love Public Schools says:

      She had a good sign game in Bear, in places the other candidates (aside Williams) didn’t have many.

      I’m surprised to see Hoover in 4th though.

  12. More:

    Ramone’s wrapped up the R primary for governor.

    D Tracey Miller is winning her primary in RD 34.

    Carney pulling ahead.

    Matt’s lead up to over 4K over BHL. About 25% of ED’s reporting.

    Not looking good for Kam. I wonder what I missed…

    Frank Burns in trouble.

    Looks like Eric Morrison is cruising.

  13. Surprised by what appears to be Jason Hoover’s weak performance in NCC President race.

  14. Some guy named John Whalen is winning the Rethug nomination for Congress.

  15. Meyer’s lead is up over 5K now. Looks like he’s winning.

  16. Misti says:

    270towin called it for Matt,

  17. About 50% of the ED’s reporting.

    Frank Burns has taken a small lead.

  18. Meyer up over 6000 now. I’m calling it–Anthony, Lydia, you can release the reports now.

  19. BLT says:

    We are so close to getting rid of Our PAL Val!!

  20. I Love Public Schools says:

    Do you think George Frankel’s results are partially due to his position on the ballot?

    • nunya says:

      I do. I literally had five people text me today asking me who to vote for in that race. Imagine how many people had no clue and didn’t ask anyone their thoughts and just pressed the first name they saw.

      • I Love Public Schools says:

        Yeah…I noticed my county council presidential candidate outperformed their average where I had either left lit or greeted. I actually was able to swing a few votes, which is a little crazy that you can do that right outside the polls. I doubt it would have worked for the governor’s race, where more voters have opinions.

  21. Joe Connor says:

    Hey Pete, your endorsement was good for third place! My sincerest congratulations!

    • skeg says:

      I was slightly worried, but the results of KMG in a biiiiig third place deficit reignited my confidence in humanity.

  22. BLT says:

    Our PAL Val lost to Kam by 7 points! Ding dong the wicked witch…

  23. Joe Connor says:

    VALERIE LONGHURST 992 144 129 1,265 46.63 %
    KAMELA T. SMITH 1,249 70 129 1,448 53.37 %

  24. Harold says:

    What a great night. Excellent results all around (though few were actually surprising).

  25. Zasha says:

    Website says Kamela is up 53.37 to 46.63

  26. Willl says:

    Val won? That’s not what I’m seeing.

  27. La somnabula says:

    The one race I took a personal stake in was the 15th. From the bottom of my heart, congratulations, Kam! I have waited for this moment for years. Good riddance Val. But I also thank you for solidifying the values my husband and this blog stand for.

  28. Int says:

    It would be hilarious if the PAL fires Val too? Ding dong….

  29. Sparksnotes says:

    Val going down is icing on the cake. I wonder what she and her pet Laura Wisniewski are going to do with their careers now.

  30. Kevin Ohlandt says:

    So, who is up for Speaker of the House now?

  31. SussexWatcher says:

    I have no deep insights into this, but in Sussex, County Council President Mike Vincent and Councilwoman Cindy Green have both been unseated by more conservative challengers.

    The Sussex Dems, of course, aren’t running anyone in either race in November. Great job Jane Hovington!

    • Greg says:

      I think the East Side of Sussex hate at unbridled growth bit them both.
      Council President Vincent district is all Western Sussex, but Greens includes northwest Sussex and includes the Milton-Milford corridor.
      Her district especially is getting run over by developers.
      Been a long time since I’ve seen 2 councilmen outed at the same time, much less a Council President.
      This along with the Speaker of the House losing says people have had enough.

  32. Wayne S Whirld says:

    George Frankel did well because he worked his ass off and because his ideas were good. he came out of nowhere and Monique won by 500 votes. I am sorry for New Castle County but fortunately she is too dumb to hurt too much. George has a great future in the democratic party. PS I am sorry I won’t get my free subscription to the blog but I do enjoy the level of intellectual exchange on the blog

    • The best consolation is–you get all this stuff for free!

      • Jonathan says:

        Dumb Democrats vote-splitting.

        Frankel, from what I could see, had no platform. Jason Hoover and Val Gould were functionally the same. If one of them dropped out and endorsed the other, they’d have the majority.

        • Al Catraz says:

          Precisely this ^^^^^

        • K. says:

          If either Hoover or Gould didn’t run, Frankel would have gotten more than 50% of the votes of the one who dropped out, especially if it was Hoover. He was a better campaigner and a better candidate. That’s why he finished second, and almost won, despite having way less resources than Hoover, especially.

    • Alby says:

      I’m very sorry to hear that George has a future in the Democratic Party. He looks like Sean Barney 2.0 to me.

  33. AA says:

    Putting my vote for speaker in now: Larry Lambert.

  34. Wayne s whirld says:

    George Frankel lives in Sarah McBride’s senate seat. Go George win that race. You are the man or should I say you are the person or you are they.

    • K. says:

      George was the best candidate in that race by far, and it showed. He was under resourced, lacked any endorsements, but simply hustled and came within 500 votes of winning. Dee Durham should be ashamed. George merits serious consideration to replace Sarah McBride assuming she wins in November.

      • No he wasn’t. He was avowedly pro-developer.

        It’s interesting to see this concerted effort to bolster his stature, though…

        But as long as we’re playing this game, you will note that the two candidates who would not take developer money took just under 36% of the vote. Had only one run, they would likely have won.

        And they would have done so without selling their soul to the development community. Unlike Frankel.

        • Alby says:

          “Assuming she wins in November” kind of says it all, doesn’t it? Only a Republican would say that.

        • Alby says:

          This guy is as insidery as it gets. Appointed a Senate page by Coons. Works for the Department of Labor. In other words, a careerist looking to get his start in the Delaware Way machine.

          Get bent.

        • K. says:

          “And they would have done so without selling their soul to the development community. Unlike Frankel.”

          Sorry, this is simply inaccurate. The only thing George did was refuse to point blank refuse to say he would never accept money from developers. That hardly makes him a shill for developers. His finance reports indicate that he had no developer donors. Read it for yourself, it is all available online. It’sfriends and family. In hindsight, should he have come up with a better answer, in response to the Yes/No will you ever take donations from developers? Yes.

          However, the data and evidence indicates, again, if either Gould or Hoover, didn’t run, and it was a race of Gould, Frankel, Williams and Johns, (or Hoover, Frankel, Williams or Johns), George Frankel would have gotten a greater share of the votes of whoever, didn’t run. And he would have run the race.

          • Alby says:

            How does the data and evidence indicate that he would have gotten those votes?

            You’re fluffing this guy in the wrong place. I see nothing to indicate he’s anything like a progressive.

  35. Chuck Durante says:

    On a remarkable night, I go to bed with one pebble in my shoe.
    Jason Hoover is a remarkably talented thinker and advocate for the public good. I hope that we will have the chance to vote for him again.
    In the meantime, I hope that the 153rd General Assembly will consider ranked-choice voting. It’s been used in all-state basketball tallies for nearly 40 years. It works.

  36. Pole says:

    Since frankel got brought up let’s talk a few things and make overall comments

    Frankel, Hoover and Gould never had any shot all running together. They were told this by many people and not one listened. Now you have Monique.

    Marcus over Karen seemed inevitable. She simply went invisible because she knew her fate.

    Smiley barely surviving surprised me. Grumpy grandpa can stop telling everyone how popular he is

    Caneco destroying Dudlek was quite the message about development south of the canal.

    Statewide, Bethany lost because she ran a dysfunctional campaign from the start. She’s a nice lady, but no match for real political organization

    Kyle had this because she raised a ton of money and spent it wisely

    Congress. Wait there was a race?

    • Chuck D. says:

      Frankel, Hoover, And Gould didn’t listen because they’re out for themselves, not for the greater good. No shade, that’s just how humans are typically made.

      Yes, BHL was dysfunctional but few could rebound from the negative press (she earned it) throughout her campaign.

      BHL losing made Ramone’s road to the governor’s seat that much tougher. It’s unlikely, but Ramone has a small shot. He isn’t Castle. But he isn’t a witch either.

  37. BLT says:

    The morning after we brought down Val’s reign of terror feels as patriotic as the day we rolled into Iraq to dethrone Sadam Hussein as dictator

  38. Al Catraz says:

    It was very gracious of Matt Meyer in his speech to specifically thank BHL’s husband, which was more than she did.