Presidential Debate Open Thread

Filed in National by on September 10, 2024 16 Comments

I don’t have cable TV, so I couldn’t watch this debate even if I wanted to. So I’m counting on you readers to keep me apprised of developments.

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  1. Watching every pundit who MSNBC could scrape up pontificate on what Harris must, and must not, do, has convinced me of the only thing Harris must avoid:

    Paralysis through analysis.

    Watching ‘Dark Side Of The Nineties featuring the Spice Girls’ to cleanse my brain…

  2. Jab says:

    I don’t have cable, watching it on Roku live

  3. Delawarelefty says:

    Corporate media apparently has the horse race that their company’s profits require, and they will spin the events to generate more income. I wish Kamala good luck….

  4. La somnabula says:

    He’s so arrogant . He won’t even look at her.

  5. “They’re eating the pets.”

  6. Paula says:

    In a nutshell, Trump: I’m rubber and you’re glue…

  7. Jason says:

    I think Harris is doing great.

  8. It’s all over: Taylor Swift has endorsed Kamala Harris.

  9. nathan arizona says:

    It’s great that Kamala kicked his ass, but I’m still worried about the cats and dogs being eaten by illegal immigrants in Ohio.

  10. Beverly C says:

    okay, now i have to lock up my pets and buy a Taylor Swift record. Recommended songs?

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