DL Open Thread Tuesday, Sept. 17, 2024

Filed in Open Thread by on September 17, 2024 6 Comments

Republicans thought nothing of their constant threats of violence until people started shooting at Trump. Now they want Democrats to stop talking about the threat to democracy posed by Trump and, really, by all of them. Well, now they can feel what’s it’s like to run scared. Didja ever think that maybe the problem isn’t the rhetoric but the easy access to powerful weapons? Gabby Giffords has.

I want Republicans to run scared the way Haitian immigrants now have to. Springfield, Ohio, had to contend with 33 bomb threats yesterday, and now the xenophobes are targeting other places where Haitians have been resettled, like this Pennsylvania town. Sorry, MAGAts, my sympathies are with them, not you.

I think Republicans were just worried that people might start talking about guns instead of their preferred topic, Haitians eating pets. JD Vance gave away the game, admitting on TV that he knows it’s not true but he has to say it to get the media’s attention. The sad part is that the media falls for it every time.

Newly leaked documents reveal that we can blame Chief Justice John Roberts for engineering Trump’s immunity from prosecution. He’s an umpire the way Angel Hernandez was an umpire.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Roberts had ‘plausible deniability’ as long as the press blamed everything on Thomas and Alito.

    He no longer does.

    This should be a bigger story.

  2. Arthur says:

    If I cared about an online presence I’d try to make the following conspiracy theory gain traction – Both “assisnation attempts” on trump were pulled off by his own team (this i believe). But they did it becuase trump has a terminal disease and if he just dies as an old man nothing will come of it, but if he’s assisnated they can martyr him and elevate him to MAGA sainthood.

    • Alby says:

      It’s as good a theory as any other now that nobody cares whether anything is true.

      Speaking of which, I think more people should point out that JD Vance’s couch never gave consent.

  3. Rufus Y Kneedog says:

    I haven’t read this yet but it sounds like what you’ve been waiting for.

    • It is. Reading it now. Among other things, the audit makes clear that both the UD and Del-Tech have virtually NO guardrails in place to ensure that some of our ‘Honorables’ aren’t basically just stealing money for time not worked.

      Yes, BHL is among those who received dual pay for ‘coincident’ time.

      I’ll write it up as soon as I can wrap my head around it…

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