Delaware Liberal

Coward Carney Vetoes End Of Life Legislation

Alternate Title: ‘Carney’s Discomfort Causes Excruciating Pain For The Terminally-Ill’.

Waited until after the election to even retrieve the bill, then vetoed it almost immediately:

In his veto letter to state lawmakers, Carney said he does not believe there is “firm consensus” on the issue within the medical community.

“Although I understand not everyone shares my views, I am fundamentally and morally opposed to state law enabling someone, even under tragic and painful circumstances, to take their own life,” he wrote. “As I have shared consistently, I am simply not comfortable letting this piece of legislation become law.”

Translation:’I am more comfortable in having people die in excruciating pain because, gosh darn it, I’m just not comfortable signing this.”

A despicable act from a cowardly idiot.   Were there a Delaware Hall Of Shame, he’d be in on the first ballot.

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