Delaware Liberal

Things I Want To See Happen…

…while we’re visiting our daughter in Portland, Oregon where, BTW, we’re attending concerts by Fontaines DC and Orville Peck.

1.  I want to see Matt Meyer achieve a rapprochement with DSEA.  I especially want him to commit to being a Governor who prioritizes public schools, including the naming of a public school champion to be Secretary Of Education.

2.  I want to see a lock-box placed on any more disbursements from BHL’s Opioid Slush Fund.  If it takes legal action by AG Kathy Jennings, so be it.  Not one more check should be written until/unless this Commission is reformed after January, and until an audit is completed by Lydia York on the funds already appropriated.

3.  I want to see House oversight of any spending that lame duck Val Longhurst might approve as the still-Speaker Of The House.  No sense letting more ill-gotten gains sneak out the door.

4.  I want to see an influx of volunteers to the campaigns of Monica Beard, Tracey Miller and Terrell Williams.  I plan to focus on Nick’s campaign when I get back.

5.  I want to see Matt Meyer, Sarah McBride, and Kyle Evans Gay, among others, donate to the campaigns of the three D challengers listed above.  A super-majority would look great for a new incoming Democratic administration.  And they’ve all got the money.  Sarah has already donated $100K to the national House D Campaign Committee.

6.  I want to see John Carney sign Paul Baumbach’s Right To Die Bill.  Read this News-Journal piece, and decide for yourselves why Carney slow-walked it.  Clearly, alleviating someone’s pain and suffering is not a priority of his.  Worst Governor Ever.

That’s for starters.  Something for you to chew on while I inhale the raw oysters at Jacqueline in Portland.  Not only is it among our fave restaurants there, it bears the name of my wife.

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