Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024

Slow news day yesterday. Even the reporters tasked with recording Trump’s every brain fart had to scrounge for material, so Israel’s continued attacks on Lebanon are getting more attention than they otherwise might. The fear, as always, is that the fighting will spread, as fighting often does.

I have long maintained that a majority of the people enter politics to get money or get laid. Today’s example combines the two. New York Congressturd Anthony D’Esposito, a Republican ex-cop from Long Island, put both his mistress and his fiancee’s daughter on the staff payroll. His only defense was to attack the New York Times, which broke the story, for a “partisan hit piece.” Nice try, Tony, but I don’t think it’s going to go over that well with your fiancee. Count your blessings. Imagine how it would have gone down at the office Christmas party.

Plastic recycling is mostly a mirage. Studies have found less than about 5% of the plastic waste in the U.S. is recycled; much of it can’t be even if it’s collected, but that hasn’t stopped producers from touting it as an answer to plastic pollution. So the State of California has filed suit against ExxonMobil to force the company “to end its deceptive practices that threaten the environment and the public.” As if that would solve the problem.

The floor’s yours.

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