DL Open Thread Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024

Filed in Open Thread by on September 24, 2024 6 Comments

Slow news day yesterday. Even the reporters tasked with recording Trump’s every brain fart had to scrounge for material, so Israel’s continued attacks on Lebanon are getting more attention than they otherwise might. The fear, as always, is that the fighting will spread, as fighting often does.

I have long maintained that a majority of the people enter politics to get money or get laid. Today’s example combines the two. New York Congressturd Anthony D’Esposito, a Republican ex-cop from Long Island, put both his mistress and his fiancee’s daughter on the staff payroll. His only defense was to attack the New York Times, which broke the story, for a “partisan hit piece.” Nice try, Tony, but I don’t think it’s going to go over that well with your fiancee. Count your blessings. Imagine how it would have gone down at the office Christmas party.

Plastic recycling is mostly a mirage. Studies have found less than about 5% of the plastic waste in the U.S. is recycled; much of it can’t be even if it’s collected, but that hasn’t stopped producers from touting it as an answer to plastic pollution. So the State of California has filed suit against ExxonMobil to force the company “to end its deceptive practices that threaten the environment and the public.” As if that would solve the problem.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Dee Durham says:

    Glad what we and many others – a growing chorus – have been saying for years is finally becoming recognized. Still a long way to go for action and real solutions toward a circular economy. Recycling single-use plastic is not the solution, and manufacturers/packaging companies want to make the public responsible.

  2. El Somnambulo says:

    Hopefully forcing companies to end their deceptive practices comes with a hefty price tag that can go to addressing the problem.

  3. The MoMo says:

    Anyone got a door camera and a big Kyle Evans Gay sign in Brandywine Hundred? I’ve seen several huge Ruth Briggs King signs going up next to clearly what are the remains of cut-up Gay signs. Ruth should condemn this activity immediately. Crappy thing to do ever, seems to be specific into the area where Gay lives. But do tell if you see it elsewhere …

  4. Factz says:


    Totally unacceptable!
    I want to see names of the student, their parents and their home address published. We have a right to know who these little monsters are as well as those who are “responsible” for controlling them. Florida now allows this information to be shared and it is a great first step in creating a culture of accountability.

    • Jason says:

      “The student who posted the video was charged with terroristic threatening. He was arraigned in family court and released on a $500 unsecured bond with mandatory pre-trial services.”

      It sounds like justice is being sought. But, it’s funny to me what we decide merits punishment. A 13 year old acts dumb. It doesn’t strike me as the kind of thing that should follow him/her for life.

      Meanwhile, four people — including an NYPD officer — were shot by a police officer shooting into a crowd at man who allegedly skipped a subway the turnstile. Was that cop charged with anything? No.

  5. PS says:

    I’m injured and out of work for a few weeks unfortunately. Does anyone know of any state races that have a text banking team that could use support ? I’ll be honest, I have trouble not accidentally interrupting on the phone, so I feel I’d be more helpful to a campaign texting.

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