Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024

There’s unquestionably something wrong with these people. Once again a right-wing loonjob is in the news for killing a dog. This time it’s an excrescence on the body politic named Kevin Roberts. He’s now the head of the Heritage Foundation, but 20 years ago he was just an undistinguished assistant professor of history at highly prestigious (checks notes) New Mexico State University. He told several people at a dinner party, including his boss at the time, that a neighbor’s dog wouldn’t stop barking, so he killed it with a shovel. I’m starting to think the MAGA project’s true aim is to make Nazis look not so bad by comparison.

Florida is America’s fastest-growing state, and I’ll never understand the appeal. Sure, sunshine and no snow, I get it, but its Gulf Coast is about to get slammed by yet another hurricane. Yet Floridians complain endlessly when their property insurance rates soar, as if they couldn’t have foreseen that. The sunshine is just a come-on, folks. Buy now, pay later.

Donald Trump’s Bile and Brimstone tour visited Pennsyltucky again, where The Dotard ragged on today’s late-night talk show hosts and wondered,
“Where’s Johnny Carson?” and called for his return. A WaPo columnist pointed out that polls show Carson remains the most popular host in the field, and I have to wonder, why the fuck are they wasting people’s time asking them nonsense like that? No wonder nobody wants to talk to pollsters.

Trump campaign spokesman Oddjob Steven Cheung said the FBI told them the Iranians are trying to assassinate Trump, to which I say, hey, you buttinskis, get in line. It doesn’t say much for the Iranian black ops people if they can’t even get as close as a couple of random American gun nuts.

The floor’s yours.

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