DL Open Thread Friday, Sept. 27, 2024

Filed in Open Thread by on September 27, 2024 4 Comments

We’ll have another damp day, but nothing like the inundation in the Southeast, where Helene dumped an amount of rain seen once every thousand years. Given the lack of progress on climate change, I’m gonna to take the under on that one.

Delaware’s Public Integrity Commission proved itself incapable of doing its job, declining to investigate why the public wasn’t told about embezzlement in the state’s unemployment insurance fund. While that might be defensible, it’s explanation wasn’t. It claimed this secrecy “did not create an appearance of impropriety” when it quite obviously did. Given the choice, yes, I’m gonna believe my lying eyes.

I’m not a joiner, so I’ll never really understand the appeal of any cult. But cartoonist Ruben Bolling has a good idea of how people fall into the rabbit hole.

As a confirmed Luddite, I have mixed feelings about technology – I’m not sure whether it’s a threat or a menace. I know this much, though: Tech bros lie even more than politicians, so it’s not actually the technology I don’t trust. It’s the technicians.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Joe Connor says:

    So, there was a community public safety meeting last night at the Claymont Fire Hall. The meeting was well attended by the police, community leaders and elected officials. The Knollwood Opioid grant was a hot topic with pointed questions raised regarding the lack of effectiveness and curiosity expressed as to where the cash is going. Unfortunately, there must have been important train station business last night because the program’s Honcho was nowhere to be found so the questions went unaddressed. Hey Bethany, at least get your folks to act like they’re engaged!

  2. Arthur says:

    I have said this for years, after organized religion social media is the worst thing ever foisted upon humanity

  3. All Seeing says:

    Delaware Library systems are high jacked by foreign actors and held for ransom for $1million dollars, the unemployment fund had $181K stolen from it and where is our governor? To busy violating the HATCH ACT running for a fifth government pension. Stacking up Del State board with cronies. The criminality continues with the Claymont Crab just screwing over our governments with impunity. Five government pensions, all from the taxpayers. HOW MANY DO YOU HAVE? Just in Columbia Man Indicted for Allegedly Diverting $2.7 Million from Delaware Child Support Services

    • puck says:

      Are all five pensions cumulative? There really needs to be some reform so public pensions can’t be stacked like that without some limit. I’m looking at you, cops.

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