DL Open Thread Monday, Oct. 14, 2024

Filed in Open Thread by on October 14, 2024 4 Comments

Normally if you told me that thousands of people went to a concert in the California desert and then got stuck there for hours because the inept organizers didn’t have enough buses to get them back to civilization, I’d feel sorry for them. But not when they’re MAGAts, because a more gullible bunch of dumbfucks would be impossible to find. They’re so fucking dumb that Trump will tell them it was the Democrats who did it and they’ll believe him.

Kamala Harris, to her everlasting credit, has basically told the mainstream legacy media to go fuck itself, and boy, are they stamping their tiny, ever-shrinking feet about it. As Joan Walsh notes, Harris probably reached more people on her podcast-and-late-night-TV tour that she ever would have answering a bunch of “gotcha” questions from reporters with far more ambition than brains.

Here’s a good example of why she’s right to ignore them. After weeks of whining that she wasn’t outlining specific programs – as if her sack-‘o-shit opponent has – Harris proposed expanding Medicare to cover long-term home care. If you haven’t seen all those stories about it, it’s because there haven’t been any. They’re not interested in her policy proposals, they’re interested in smearing her, because that’s the only thing the political press knows how to do. They know fuck-all about policy themselves; they’re gossip columnists without portfolio.

FEMA has had to withdraw personnel from Bumfuck, N.C., because armed yahoos, following Elon Musk’s propaganda network and the voices in their empty heads, are threatening FEMA workers. A functioning nation would hunt down these fuckwads like the terrorists they are and go Israeli on them.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. The lamestream press is once again focusing on the horse race when they should be writing 24/7 about the existential threat that Trump poses. Not in editorials, but in simply covering what he and his Team Of Traitors are up to.

  2. puck says:

    ” inept organizers didn’t have enough buses to get them back to civilization”

    Props for the headline on Daily Kos: “Trump finally stops rallygoers from leaving early”

  3. Bamboozer says:

    Had a laugh at Trump bussing the fools in and then leaving them stranded, also knew they will not abandon their evil orange god. Not surprised the tiny minds are threatening the FEMA workers, suspect they are the first of many. Surprised no mention of American sending 100 troops and “advanced missile defense systems” to Israel, reminds me of Viet Nam, just sayin’.

  4. KentCoKat says:

    “Go Israeli on them”- love it. A new addition to the lexicon for massive overreaction

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