Delaware Liberal

DL Open Thread Monday, Oct. 21, 2024

We’re at the stage of the presidential campaign/Trump unraveling where I expect he’ll be biting the heads off bats onstage by the end of the week. Or maybe he’ll just order JD Vance to do it. Either way, you’ll have to put up with two more weeks of punditry that’s worth nothing at all. And then they wonder why traditional media is dying. Uh, fellas, maybe it’s because you have thousands upon thousands of people sucking their thumbs over polling numbers and nobody reporting on things that have actually happened, as opposed to the very scary things that MIGHT happen. Who has the dough for that in these greedflationary times?

In another sign of the idiocy that rules our age, Wilmington’s planning commission will hold a special meeting tomorrow to set restrictions on cannabis dispensaries in the city. They have to hold a special meeting because two weeks ago they approved a 300-foot buffer zone around any cannabis business WITHOUT LOOKING AT A MAP. Once they did they realized that imposing such a limit would restrict sales to tiny areas downtown and at the riverfront.

The floor’s yours.

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