Our PAL Val Tries, Fails, To Designate Her Successor As Speaker From Beyond The Political Grave

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on October 22, 2024 15 Comments

We start, however, with a juicy bit of schadenfreude from primary night.  Turns out Val didn’t see her defeat at the hands of Kamela Smith (!) coming.  She and her political team are in her basement adding up the totals while, upstairs, a joyous victory celebration is taking place.  Because the celebrants don’t see it coming either.  Val and her people realize that they have lost.  Rather than going upstairs to address her supporters, Val has one of her political team go upstairs and, wait for it, throw everybody out of the house.  Classy until the very end.  Oh, the source(s)?  People who got thrown out of the party.

Never let it be said, however, that defeat has caused Val to reflect on how to best live the rest of her life.  She instead, has tried to exact retribution on someone she now regards as a turncoat by pushing for, wait for it, ‘Sellout’ Kerri Harris to succeed her as Speaker, presumably in exchange for a guarantee from Kerri that the money spigot to the Police Athletic League will continue to flow.  She thinks that Mimi Minor-Brown was a stealth supporter of Kam.  All I can say is that, in all the times I was down there and knocking doors and being involved with Kam’s campaign, I never heard even a whisper about that.  Oh, and also that, if Kerri ‘runs’ as hard for Speaker as she ‘ran’ for Congress, she has no chance.

Anyway, both Kerri and Mimi are running.

I am told, however, that there is a third candidate, someone with ties to both moderate and progressive elements in the caucus.  I can’t say for sure who it is, but I’m also told that, from a personality perspective, this person would be the Anti-Val as Speaker.  Someone who would help to restore a collegial environment in the House.  Based on that, give me Door #3.

More to come if/when people’s lips loosen.

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  1. MC says:

    “Her political team”

    Don’t be shy. It’s Laura Wisniewski. Famed political expert and skilled strategist.

    • VALianteffort says:

      Is Val planning a 2026 rematch? I don’t see why Laura would care how Val feels next year.

        • Val LongGone says:

          Sounds like they’re asking if Val will challenge Kamela Smith next term and stating that Laura Wisniewski shouldn’t need to care about Val’s wishes anymore.

          No clue if that’s accurate, however.

          • If Val couldn’t win with an over $100K war chest and the indentured servitude of her senior staff, she’s not winning a rematch.

            Especially not after people get to know Kam Smith.

            My guess is that Carney gives Wisniewski a ‘pity job’ with the City.

            • Joe Connor says:

              Carney is without pity or empathy and the jury is out on a soul. He also is gonna have more cronies and hangers on looking for gigs than gigs to give. Cut throat musical chairs will amuse him though.

  2. VALianteffort says:

    I share your schadenfreude.

    This woman made a lot of people miserable for no good reason. Fuck her and fuck Kerri, too.

    Does her PAL gig come with benefits? This bitch needs a lobotomy.

    Scratch that, lobotomies can’t fix the soulless.

    • Joe Connor says:

      Can’t type your handle but spot on. Color me anybody but Kerri or Mimi! We are on the cusp of sanity in the House we do not need apprentices of the worst speaker ever, she eclipsed Pete in awfulness in just one term, impressive.

  3. Pole says:

    Kerri sellout Harris cannot be allowed to be speaker. She had her 15 minutes running against Carper then showed her true colors.

  4. Beach Karen says:

    Damn, I’m really missing Paul Baumbach right now!

  5. Val LongGone says:

    Not sure why Val is so upset.

    I mean, “This is an opportunity for (her) to learn.” 😉

    Congrats to you, El Som.

  6. Jason says:

    Who doesn’t love a juicy schadenfreude story?

    • She doesn’t realize it, but the voters did Val a favor.

      She can now sip (or guzzle) her espresso martinis w/o the burden of having to knock on doors afterwards.

      • Joe Connor says:

        I was in the presence of about a half dozen members of the General Assembly tonight some who supported Val and some who worked for Kam and not one of them mentioned the vanquished lossr, it was glorious!

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