DL Open Thread Wednesday, Nov. 6, 2024

Filed in National, Open Thread by on November 6, 2024

Ugh. I can’t explain it, other than I guess people enjoy a shit show. Well, they’re gonna get one.

The floor’s yours.

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  1. Justwondering says:

    Question: Since this is his second term is he unable to run again?

    • Doesn’t matter. In a fascist country, which ours just became, he can rule as long as he lives.

      • elliej says:

        You got it! The rules don’t apply to Trump — never have and never will. We are headed toward an authoritarian theocracy — and the shredding of our constitution — because low information voters drank the Koolaid.

    • upyernoz says:

      The 22nd Amendment says “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice”

      It shouldn’t matter whether the terms are consecutive or not. Whether the Roberts Court sees it the same way is another question. The Constitution also says that anyone who engages in insurrection against the U.S. can’t run for office…

      • AnnB says:

        The insurrection case is on hold for four years or forever. But hopefully the Constitution is clear enough for even this supreme court.

  2. Jason says:

    Let me kick off the finger pointing by pointing to an Australian who worked hard for many years to fuck America up. Because of “free market” or whatever we allowed Rupert Murdoch to poison the minds of 50% of Americans. Oh well. That’s capitalism for you. The Democratic Republic was nice. We Delawareans will be somewhat insulated from the worst of it. Maybe after whatever this period is, we can bring back some of the good stuff.

  3. Mike Dinsmore says:

    Never underestimate the stupidity/racism/misogyny of the American people.

    • elliej says:

      You got it! I believe we’ll have one last chance in 2026 to undo some of the damage Trump will cause. After that, it’s curtains for our democracy. The more liberal states will either have to accept life in an authoritarian theocracy or break away.

    • Factz says:

      Let’s call this “garbage people” theory – that half the country is irredeemably deplorable.

      That’s not the case at all. Harris was late to the party and failed to distinguish herself from an ailing president with a low favorability rating. She did not convince enough people that she would improve their material conditions. Like many, I held my nose and voted against Donald Trump. I am well off and can afford the consequences of either outcome, but most can’t.

  4. Factz says:

    the democrat elite was too obsessed with the optics of a “strong black woman” smacking down “racist grandpa” that they lost sight of the fundamentals. Voters didn’t want to re-litigate 2016 or 2020.

    Old white guy vs Old white woman *old white guy wins*

    Old white guy vs Older white guy *older white guy wins*

    Old white guy vs Middle age black lady * old white guy wins*

    Its not rocket science.

    • MC says:

      Well Joe Biden and the creeps around him should have gotten him the fuck out of the race. Again. Boomer who won’t get the fuck out of the way ruins it for everyone else.

      He will go down as one of the worst presidents and narcissists of all time. It’s great being first.

      • Alby says:

        No, actually, he won’t. Try breathing into a paper bag.

        • elliej says:

          Biden’s reputation will flourish among political historians. He will be remembered as one of our best presidents and his sacrifice to save our democracy will be right up there with George Washington’s refusal to be the first of a monarchy. Democracies don’t live forever. We had a decent 250-year run. We face a future living in an authoritarian theocracy. I still “can’t wrap my head around” the fact that we elected a fascist felon who called his female opponent a prostitute.

  5. Wonder how long the Circular Firing Squad Blame Game will continue…

    The fault, dear Brutus, is ourselves. Always thought there were more of ‘us’ than there were of ‘them’. Seems like I was wrong.

  6. Arthur says:

    The democrats ran a one trick pony campaign – abortion. They didn’t take into account that a lot of women don’t care about it. The amount of young 20s – 30yo women who don’t care about it is astounding. Plus suburban white women don’t care about abortion, they are too afraid of dirty immigrants breaking into their homes and stealing their pearls

    • PS says:

      It’s pretty insane, because if you’re planning a pregnancy, considering the miscarriage rate, your risk of dying in pregnancy is higher than the “immigrants” assaulting you. I guess it didn’t feel that real to me until I needed a D&C after a miscarriage. Our brains like to block the scary stuff.

  7. Bamboozer says:

    Hindsight remains 20-20, it also remains worthless. I’m approaching this from a point of survival, but with no hope of “This too shall pass”, as it will not. The Republicans have promised a no holds barred “Lightning War” of revenge and raw power, banning abortion nationwide will be but the first step. Get ready people, this is hell, admit it or not.

    • David Benatar says:

      Existence has always been hell. Life feeds on life. We are all aware of our own death and the inevitable deaths of friends, family and neighbors. The negative consequences of pleasure are infinite.

      • Alby says:

        Don’t see how the last sentence follows from what precedes it.

        I also note that despite Mr. Benatar’s philosophy, he himself continues to exist.

      • Bamboozer says:

        Am old and can claim I am not afraid of death, it comes to us all and have have seen a good bit of it with the death of my wife and many others. Mom was an RN, she told me early on that many of the the old are “ready to die”, and I count myself as one of them.

  8. mediawatch says:

    The sun hasn’t been up for three hours and I’m already hearing talk of getting passports, rewriting wills and urging biracial women to turn down acceptances to colleges in North Carolina.
    Can we at least wait a day before total panic sets in?
    Next up: retailers pivoting their marketing campaigns for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Buy everything you can now, because it’s all going to cost 10 to 60 percent more next year.
    BTW, I’m glad that new tree got planted outside the front of my house yesterday. Come springtime, the nurseries won’t have any immigrants around to dig those holes.

    • SussexWatcher says:

      I think you’re misreading the room. People are looking at what Trump has promised and they know he and Vance have a much more competent team this time. There is real fear out there not just on economic issues, but for parents of trans kids, for example.

      • A much more competent team?

        Names, please.

        • arthur says:

          he has the presidency, the house and the senate. competency doesnt matter. quantity over quality

          • KentCoKat says:

            I would say ‘compliant’, not competent. He’s not going to hire anyone who opposes his agenda.

      • mediawatch says:

        Maybe I am misreading the room, but I know I’ll be spending some time today talking a couple of people off the ledge.
        However, not knowing how successful Trump will be in imposing his tariffs, this is an ideal time for retailers to push a “buy now, you won’t be able to afford it later” message.
        While I’m skeptical of how much success Trump will have with mass deportations, you can still expect a decline in the number of service workers — landscaping, construction, culinary — that give value to our day-to-day lives.

      • b2myfriends says:

        Those among us on an Obamacare health plan, Medicare or Medicaid, make sure you take care of your health and plan accordingly if there’s any procedures on the horizon.

        • Alby says:

          What makes you think Medicare will be affected?

          • b2myfriends says:

            1. Undoing Medicare’s ability to negotiate prescription drug costs.
            2. Repealing $2k out-of-pocket cap as part of Inflation Reduction Act.
            3. Repealing $35 insulin price cap.

            • mediawatch says:

              There’s revenge and there’s stupidity.
              Taking these actions would not be vengeful, as the victims of such changes were not their perpetrators.
              But it would be stupidity, as it would put the MAGAt GOP on the defensive in the ’26 and ’28 election cycles.
              I’ll concede that Trump might be stupid enough to eliminate the insulin price cap, but JD Vance ain’t that dumb.

              • b2myfriends says:

                First order of business is to undo everything the Biden administration accomplished in the last 4 years. As far as blowback, I believe they either aren’t looking that far down the road or simply don’t care (or both.)

            • Alby says:

              Those are not things that you can counter by acting early. Medicaid is a different story; anticipate higher state taxes in blue states to pick up the slack, and the ACA to vanish.

              I don’t know why they want to live in a nation full of sick poor people, but they aren’t known for their intelligent or well-thought-out choices.

  9. Arthur says:

    Right now people voted based on their wallets and fear. Fear of rising costs and violent immigrants taking over cities and how much money is being sent to foreign countries. In 4 years people will vote again based on what they fear then. And remember, America has a very shory memory – Covid? meh, long time ago and forgotten. Train derailments and terrible infastructure – eh, seems ok now. Remember the big bad SUVs and the cost of gas and everyone needs a smaller car? HAHAHAHA.. This is our country and the government we deserve

    • puck says:

      “Fear” is ginned up by the right wing media on whatever selected issues every cycle. Doesn’t matter which issues.

      I have sympathy for younger voters who can’t afford housing or transportation and can’t catch up on their monthly bills. I don’t know what the answer is for them. But it’s not tariffs, and it’s not a $25,000 credit for a down payment.

      • Alby says:

        I’d feel more sympathy for younger voters if they had gotten off their asses and voted against Trump. As it is, well, they made their bed, now they can shit in it.