Who Are YOUR DL MVP’s (Most Valuable To The Progressive Cause) For 2024?

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 13, 2024

While everything pretty much sucked on the national scene, Delaware continued to break the mold when it comes to progressive success.  Why? Well, first because progressive policies are popular and indeed benefit working families.  Higher minimum wage?  Paid medical and family leave? Plus so much more.

So, tell us–who are your 2024 MVP’s?  Tell us who, and tell us why.  You have until December 15 to share your faves with us.

Ready, set, go!

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  1. Grant Brunner says:

    Paul Baumbach has to make the list. Not only for a very solid career in general, but for getting death with dignity across the finish line (Carney’s nonsense notwithstanding.)

  2. Ole says:


    Karl from WFP (grinding campaigns)

    Madinah in the House (always fighting corporate lobby down there)

    Townsend in the Senate (quietly and professionally getting stuff passed)

    Also shoutout to Stonewall PAC who has increased their presence and political outreach.

    Finally Delaware Sierra club had alot of work put in.

    Who to look for:
    Mara Gorman in the House (gona push gun legislation)

    Meyer appointments. (Going to tell us a lot)

    Caneco in County Council (could emerge as progressive leader in that body)

    Who will win SD 1 and 5? Has to be the right people!

    WFP and where it goes from here. Hot off of some wins, does it basically take over the Democratic Party in recruiting?

    • puck says:

      It is too soon to tell about Meyer, but if you are of the school that believes he is the only one who could have taken out BHL, he has great pole position for that reason alone.

    • FWIW2024 says:

      Caneco will thankfully add one more progressive vote to the slow but inexorable changing of the old guard in NCC Council begun by Durham and Carter. Let’s hope Monique does, too.

  3. Since when has the Democratic Party done any recruiting?

  4. A says:

    Greg Layton should be added to the list. He is a progressive leader down in Kent/Sussex and has been great in recruiting volunteers, donations, and raising issues and the candidacies of those who usually remain forgotten because they are in districts that aren’t favorable to them. He has built up several successful Facebook groups which has helped engage people who may otherwise have not been engaged and does the heavy lifting of finding organizations that need people and then connecting those people and organizations. He is doing big things with the Sierra Club right now I believe and is chair of the 30th RD which is certainly no easy task.

    Man is good for the downstate progressive movement