DL EXCLUSIVE: Kerri Evelyn Harris Required NDA’s Beginning With Her First Race For Public Office

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on November 15, 2024

In fact, here is the Non-Disclosure Agreement from her race against Tom Carper in 2018:

Kerri Evelyn Harris: Democrat For Senate – Non-Disclosure Agreement

Data Protection and Non-Disclosure Agreement

(a) Volunteer agrees that he/she will not, directly or indirectly, at any time during the term of his/her relationship at Justice Democrats (“Political Action Committees”) or thereafter, and without regard to when or for what reason his/her relationship shall terminate, divulge, furnish, make accessible, or permit the disclosure to anyone (other than the Political Action Committees or other persons working with or designated by the Political Action Committees) any knowledge or information of any type whatsoever acquired by in the course of work, including (but not limited to) knowledge or information relating to the business or activities of the Political Action Committees, include business and activities relating to the services rendered by Person, whether disclosed orally or visually to Person and whether stored on any tangible medium or memorialized by Person (“Confidential Information”).

(b) The term Confidential Information includes all originals, recorded and unrecorded copies of such Confidential Information, as well as information derived therefrom and portions thereof. Such Confidential Information also includes, but is not limited to, all written or audio materials obtained, generated, produced or otherwise acquired during the course of work, including (but not limited to) any notes, charts, lists, computer files, electronic mail messages, phone logs or other memoranda, whether handwritten, the Political Action Committees’ budget finances, fundraising results, contributors, lists, salaries, programs, plans, details about projects under consideration or development, and any other information the release of which might prove harmful to the organization. Information shall be Confidential Information under applicable laws and whether or not Person has been notified that such information is Confidential Information.

(c) Person shall not be liable for disclosure of Confidential Information if such disclosure is pursuant to judicial or other legal or administrative actions or other lawfully compelled disclosure, provided that Person notifies the Political Action Committees, by registered mail, of the need for such disclosure within five (5) days after such need becomes known and gives Political Action Committees a reasonable opportunity to contest such disclosures.

(d) Person understands and agrees that all lists, reports, data, information and other works produced by Person within the scope of his/her relationship/ work, shall be the sole property of the Political Action Committees and that Person shall have no title or rights therein.

(e) Upon termination of his/her relationship/ work for whatever reason Person shall return all Confidential Information (as defined above) to the Political Action Committees, regardless of the form in which it appears or is stored (including information stored on tapes, computer discs, compact discs or other media).

(f) The obligations set forth in this Confidentiality Agreement shall survive indefinitely the termination of Person’s relationship by the Political Action Committees.

(g) The Confidentiality Agreement shall not be changed, modified, released, discharged, waived, abandoned or terminated, in whole or in part, except in writing signed by an officer of the Political Action Committees.

(h) If any part of this Confidentiality Agreement shall be determined by a court of law to be invalid, the remainder of the Agreement shall be valued and remain in full force and effect.

(i) Person may not author or create a book, article, academic study, video, movie, or other content which not part of normal staff responsibilities without the approval of the President of the Political Action Committees. If Person is creating such content while being paid by the Political Action Committees or using Political Action Committees work products, a publication agreement must be negotiated and agreed to by President of the Political Action Committees. This agreement shall fairly represent the interests of the organization with regard to advance payments, royalties, credits and content.

According to sources, this NDA was required ‘for all team members and any volunteer with a role outside canvassing/phone banking/texting…’.
Had I known about this, I would have never volunteered for her campaign.  Granted, I didn’t stay long as there was no ‘there, there’.  I suspect that it’s one of many reasons her campaign didn’t do better.  It strikes me as utterly bizarre that someone organizing a grassroots challenge to an entrenched incumbent would do this.  I can’t recall it being done in any other grassroots campaign I’ve taken part in.  It just shows, though, that her appearing to be an empathetic person back when I first met her at the REV’s place was just an act.  She has, instead, turned out to be someone who seeks to exact retribution on people who have done nothing to earn it.  Which, of course, is why Val liked her so much.
If I was a member of that Caucus,  I’d call for a re-vote on her candidacy for House Majority Leader.  If I had a role in the state Party, I’d look to replace her as Democratic National Committeewoman since she hardly represents what a party dedicated to working people and working families needs.

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  1. Nancy Willing says:

    Yeah, all of the above. FFS.

  2. Alby says:

    Shows intent to commit bad acts was built in from the first.

    We must have too many seats in the GA, because a lot of them are being filled by people who have nothing better to do and no prospects of higher pay.

  3. Aethur says:

    Yes, there are some good oils still out there but their numbers are dwindling. I think this is the lack of accountability that is now a given. Bhl should have been in jail years ago but the only recourse is she didn’t get elected – big deal she still walks with full pension and benes and will now lobby somewhere and never be held accountable. This is the Trump effect

  4. Paul T. says:

    So she didn’t want anyone to give away information about her campaign during the campaign that may help the other side? How terrible. Is it not conceivable that the other campaign for a US Senate seat might “Salt” the opposing candidate with someone to give them information (a “double agent”).

    This is a reach.

    • BLT says:

      You really don’t have any credibility to be talking about campaigns right now. How much of your members money did you and Maravellis waste on planes to support a corrupt candidate for governor? I’d like to launch an investigation into the two of you being stupid.

      What Kerri and Mimi are doing is silencing their staff so if they see something wrong or unethical or illegal then they can’t blow a whistle.

      • MC says:

        I’ve been involved in political campaigns for thirty years in this state and I’ve never heard of anything like this before. Please don’t pretend that it’s normal. It’s not. It’s certainly not in a setting such as the GA. It’s called intimidation and it’s illegal.

    • Alby says:

      2Paul T: Bulllshit. The NDA held in perpetuity, not just during the campaign.

      (f) The obligations set forth in this Confidentiality Agreement shall survive indefinitely the termination of Person’s relationship by the Political Action Committees.

      Yeah, I’m sure the Carper camp viewed an unknown with no qualifications as a threat in the primary. Of course, knowing how your peeps operate, I understand the paranoia, but not everyone has so much to hide.

  5. BLT says:

    Mimi and Kerri aren’t any better than Trump

  6. Pole says:

    The fact that she did this in a suicide campaign that would never get above 40 prevent is impressive in the amount of ego that takes.

    The more I get to know about her, the less I like her. Happy to have voted for Carper after a lot of thought back in 18 when some of my progressive friends gave me shit about it.

  7. Joe Connor says:

    Dear Kerri, I was so excited that day in 2017 when I went to the Chris White Gallery for your announcement. The room was full of excited motivated young Folks and progressive activists and I was moved by your speech and I was all in with supporting you to defeat my old friend Tom Carper who I believed had lost any semblance of the guy I had supported for the first time in 1976 and with whom I worked on the storied Jim Soles for Congress race in 1974. I enthusiastically backed you and I was again excited by your joint appearance with AOC at Kingswood close to the ’18 primary. I was pretty sure you weren’t going to win at that point, but I felt you fought the good fight.
    Fast forward to November 2024 and after a lot of disturbing signs it is now indelibly confirmed that you have a constituency of one, Kerri!
    The only emotion I can dredge up for you is pity. Congratulations for being reelected to leadership, a word you clearly do not understand.

  8. Andrew C says:

    It makes me really sad to see this. She’s my representative and she feels like a different person than just 5 or 6 years ago.

  9. Bane says:

    Why are you all putting this on Mimi? I haven’t seen anything in the news that has said that she’s involved in this? Seems like this was Val and Kerry.

    Furthermore, this clearly says that Justice Democrats, who ran Kerri’s field operations along with WFP drafted this NDA. This is standard practice for Justice Democrats, not Kerri. When I worked for Justice Dems when we helped AOC, I signed the exact same document. Obviously, she has to own this because it was her campaign, but the irony that it’s WFP candidates who also use the same field support from Justice Democrats, are the ones clutching their pearls on this is so hypocritical.

    • MC says:

      Mimi was majority leader? There’s only three of them. Was she just a puppet of Val’s not involved in anything because Val thought she was a dimwit? Or was she an integral part of a leadership team? Which is it? Yall need to realllllly pick a story.

    • Show me where ANYBODY ‘put this all on Mimi’.

      But Mimi’s attempt to separate herself from this is disingenuous. She WAS the Majority Leader.

      The idea that Val and Kerri concocted this and left Mimi out of the loop doesn’t pass the smell test.

      She is now clearly trying to minimize her role in, and knowledge of, this.

    • BLT says:

      She’s the new speaker. She doesn’t have to do it if she doesn’t want to. If Val left it for her then she can discontinue it. But she isn’t. Because she too has been schooled in the ways of being a tyrant.

      • I think she WILL discontinue it.

        But, we’ll see.

      • Bill DM says:

        From https://www.delawarepublic.org/politics-government/2024-11-15/delaware-house-democratic-leadership-required-some-staffers-to-sign-non-disclosure-policies

        House Speaker-elect Melissa Minor Brown released a statement Friday agreeing with Harris, noting confidentiality is important in some cases, but the signing of non-disclosure agreements was not the proper way to go about it.

        “While I believe confidentiality should be maintained around sensitive constituent matters, I can clearly state that this current leadership team does not support the process in which this action was carried out, and we are discontinuing this process immediately. These documents will be effectively voided, and no staff member will be asked to sign an NDA as long as I am speaker. This is not how I conduct business,” the statement read.

        Looks like there was more to that statement, because this is from the WHYY article…

        “We have been blessed through the years to have such a great group of employees, and I apologize for any difficulty they have experienced along the way,” she said in an emailed statement. “Quite simply, we as Representatives cannot do our jobs effectively without the work of our staff. One of my top goals as speaker will be to restore that enthusiasm so that everyone – staff and legislators– is working hard every day to deliver for Delawareans across our state.”

        Sorry about the length here. Looks like a couple things: Mimi said she is voiding the old NDAs and pledging to not put staff through that again, and she issued a public apology to staff, which is something you don’t see all that often.

        • The length was justified. Very happy that she recognizes how staff has been mistreated in the past.

          Here’s hoping the change in approach is sincere.

          • MC says:

            So this was Val and Laura by themselves? Ok. Why does Laura still have a job then?

            • Don’t think anyone thinks this was Val and Laura by themselves. Kerri played a big part in it, and Mimi knew about it.

              Wisniewski is no longer the Chief-Of-Staff, she’s got a placeholder job for now. She really should be gone for good. Val and Bethany conspired to hire her when BHL’s staff was forced to ‘downsize’ the first time. She became Val’s staff enforcer.

              It will be telling if she remains on staff because that would go against what Mimi is preaching.

          • BLT says:

            This is a positive development. We and the staff need to hold Mimi and Kerri accountable going forward. I do not believe tje mistreatment of staff stops there and I am still encouraging staff to unionize.