The Ultimate Reality Show Cabinet. Yesterday’s entries: Dr. Oz and Linda McMahon. Before somebody else predicts this, I figured I might as well: Trump is likely negotiating with Fox to give them exclusive rights to that reality show concept. (Oops, too late. Bastard!) Which is why he’s trying to fill his cabinet with people almost exclusively suited to the concept. First Executive Producer/President of the United States in history. Plus, seriously–Linda McMahon for Secretary of Education??
Google’s ‘Culture Of Concealment’:
The memo became the first salvo in a 15-year campaign by Google to make deletion the default in its internal communications. Even as the internet giant stored the world’s information, it created an office culture that tried to minimize its own. Among its tools: using legal privilege as an all-purpose shield and imposing restraints on its own technology, all while continually warning that loose lips could sink even the most successful corporation.
How Google developed this distrustful culture was pieced together from hundreds of documents and exhibits, as well as witness testimony, in three antitrust trials against the Silicon Valley company over the last year. The plaintiffs — Epic Games in one case, the Department of Justice in the other two — were trying to establish monopoly behavior, which required them to look through emails, memos and instant messages from hundreds of Google engineers and executives.
The exhibits and testimony showed that Google took numerous steps to keep a lid on internal communications. It encouraged employees to put “attorney-client privileged” on documents and to always add a Google lawyer to the list of recipients, even if no legal questions were involved and the lawyer never responded.
I know I write this often: Read the whole thing. Not only will you emerge more knowledgeable, you’ll be better equipped to challenge behaviors like this.
Judges And More Judges: Rethugs apoplectic on having the tables turned:
Senate Republicans are acting pretty mad that Democrats are using the lame duck to confirm lots of President Joe Biden’s judges.
Even President-elect Donald Trump vented on social media about Democrats still confirming Biden’s judges, and demanded that Republicans stop them.
“The Democrats are trying to stack the Courts with Radical Left Judges on their way out the door,” Trump yelled in a Tuesday post. “Republican Senators need to Show Up and Hold the Line — No more Judges confirmed before Inauguration Day!”
It’s a pretty ridiculous moment.
It’s not just because Democrats still control the Senate for the next several weeks and can proceed however they want. It’s because when the tables were turned in 2020 ― when the GOP controlled the Senate in the lame duck and Biden had just defeated Trump ― Republicans took full advantage of confirming as many of Trump’s court picks as possible.
Republicans confirmed 23 of Trump’s lifetime federal judges in the lame duck in 2020, after Biden won the election. That’s not even factoring in the GOP’s unprecedented race to confirm Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett in October 2020, as votes were already being cast in the presidential election.
Oh, yes, that.
Will Texas Legislators Do The Right Thing? Probably a rhetorical question, but still:
Weeks after ProPublica reported on the deaths of two pregnant women whose miscarriages went untreated in Texas, state lawmakers have filed bills that would create new exceptions to the state’s strict abortion laws, broadening doctors’ ability to intervene when their patients face health risks.
The legislation comes after the lawmaker who wrote one of Texas’ recent abortion bans wrote an op-ed in the Houston Chronicle defending the current exceptions as “plenty clear.”
But more than 100 Texas OB-GYNs disagree with his position. In a public letter, written in response to ProPublica’s reporting, they urged changes. “As OB-GYNs in Texas, we know firsthand how much these laws restrict our ability to provide our patients with quality, evidence-based care,” they said.
I think the statute is ‘plenty clear’. It’s designed to cause further deaths and to run doctors out of Texas.
What do you want to talk about?