DL Open Thread: Sunday, November 24, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 24, 2024

Will ‘Prosecutors Be Prosecuted’ Under Trump?  As good a test as to whether the Republic can hold as any:

Again and again, when Donald Trump has faced scandal and scrutiny, Pam Bondi was there to defend him.

Bondi said the Justice Department’s special counselinvestigation into whether Trump associates coordinated with Russian interference in the 2016 election needed to be dissolved. She declared that the 45th president’s first impeachment in 2019 was a “sham.” And when Trump was indicted four times after leaving office, Bondi was blunt about who deserved legal scrutiny — and it wasn’t the former president.

“The prosecutors will be prosecuted, the bad ones,” Bondi declared on Fox News in 2023, soon after Trump’s fourth set of criminal charges. “The investigators will be investigated.”

She can only carry out that mandate if confirmed by the Senate. We’ll see if any R Senate ‘institutionalists’ remain.  Easy prediction: Susan Collins will fold.

Trump Transition Team Funded By Secret Money.  While Trump refuses to sign transition agreement:

President-elect Donald J. Trump is keeping secret the names of the donors who are funding his transition effort, a break from tradition that could make it impossible to see what interest groups, businesses or wealthy people are helping launch his second term.

Mr. Trump has so far declined to sign an agreement with the Biden administration that imposes strict limits on that fund-raising in exchange for up to $7.2 million in federal funds earmarked for the transition. By dodging the agreement, Mr. Trump can raise unlimited amounts of money from unknown donors to pay for the staff, travel and office space involved in preparing to take over the government.

Mr. Trump is the first president-elect to sidestep the restrictions, provoking alarm among ethics experts.

I know, I know.  I’ve been trying to avoid this shit.  Of course he’s gonna shatter all ethical norms.  Time to get back to items that are surprising…

Mississippi Segregation Academies Alive And Well(-Funded):

Despite the passage of decades, most segregation academies across Mississippi remain vastly white — far more so than the counties where they operate, federal private school surveys show. Mississippi is the state with the highest percentage of Black residents.

At 15 of the 20 academies benefiting from the tax credit program, student bodies were at least 85% white as of the last federal private school survey, for the 2021-22 school year. And among the 20, enrollments at five were more than 60 percentage points whiter than their communities. Another 11 were at least 30 percentage points whiter.

The Punishment Fit The Crime:

What action did Donna Schwartz want to see taken against the former University of Delaware student who went on an “antisemitic tirade” in May, he asked.

She’d damaged flags at a campus Holocaust memorial and spewed hate. Jail time was on the table, the prosecutor said.

Schwartz, who has served as director of the Jewish campus organization since 2014, believed the young woman’s life had already been “totally destroyed.”

She’d been expelled from school and banned from campus. Her name was plastered all over the internet. The vitriol she received, and has continued to face, was just as bad as what she hurled on the afternoon of May 8.

And, the 23-year-old was having a mental breakdown at the time, according to school and medical records provided to prosecutors. Schwartz told Delaware Online/The News Journal it was also evident in a video taken of the incident. (Delaware Online/The News Journal is not naming the woman given the mental health issues she faced and the resolution of her case.)

After some discussion, Schwartz and the prosecutor agreed to a punishment that Schwartz acknowledged would make some people “very angry.” The young woman would plead guilty and receive probation before judgment.

“To me it was, ‘Is doing jail time the appropriate answer for this and would that actually make any difference?’” Schwartz said. “I feel that she’s young, she has an opportunity to learn and to understand what she did and why it was so hurtful and so, so wrong.”

“If we could be part of that,” she continued, “I felt like that was the right answer.”

I agree.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Prelae says:

    Kevin Caneco completely shredding Dover on reassessment is quite the risk, but I’m here for the fireworks. Buttttt, is he really wrong? I knew this kid be different and I can’t say I hate it so far…


  2. All Seeing says:

    Steve Schmidt just called Joe Scarborough BAGDAD BOB. And Keith Olbermann called Scarborough a Quizling. Morning Joe is no longer a cup of trust but an exposed opportunist traitor.
    My how things work out.
    China has come close in catching up to us in AI.

    Musk, dug in to US GOVERNMENT contracts like a tick. Not good for democracy.

    • Slowhorse says:

      Well we’ll see now that Marge Green has been apponted as the supervisor of the DOGE team. I give Elon a month of being supervised by Margie.

    • Alby says:

      Joe Scarborough was a Republican for a long time. That’s the media’s idea of a liberal.

      That said, they had large targets, and not just on their backs. Do you doubt that Trump would have dragged them through the courts? Or that he still might?

      Besides, MSNBC is about to go belly up anyway. NBC is selling it, but it’s probably not profitable so I doubt it will survive.

      • puck says:

        “MSNBC is about to go belly up”

        Good. Too many otherwise well-meaning liberals built their liberal identity around MSNBC and its talking heads. MSNBC is the crown jewel of the news bubble the left finds itself in.

        It’s not enough to stop watching MSNBC – you have to cancel your whole TV/entertainment package that sends Rupert Murdoch a few of your dollars each month.

        Life is better without cable news.

        • Alby says:

          I second that emotion. We’ve turned politics into infotainment, with precious little info but lots of disagreements. And you can’t have disagreements without amplifying the other side’s arguments, which has the effect of letting the other side set the agenda.

          The notion of a liberal equivalent of Fox et al is a fool’s dream, because the real point of Fox isn’t to preach to its few million regular viewers. It’s to taint the entire news landscape with its view of society’s ills, which never include the concentration of wealth at the top or the crooked political party and its crooked judges who intend to perpetrate it in perpetuity.

          Someone has to be willing to take years of heavy, billion-dollar losses to establish a propaganda presence like that – by definition, someone rich who wants to dismantle crony capitalism. I see no Teddy Roosevelts on the horizon.