DL Open Thread: Saturday, November 30, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on November 30, 2024

OK, guys, it’s Small Business Saturday.  What small local businesses do you plan to visit today?

Confused By The Syrian Insurgency?  This will clarify everything and/or make it more confusing to you.  An excerpt:

I would characterise them as a ‘logical result of everybody abandoning Syrians to onslaughts and subversion by Assadism, al-Qaeda, IS/ISIS/IGIL/Daesh, IRGC, the Russians, Zionism, Türkye, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and United Arab Emirates’.

That said, claiming they are ‘al-Qaeda’ or even ‘Islamic State’ is as wrong as limiting them to ‘Türkye-controlled’ or this or that: yes, HTS’ leader Muhammad al-Jawlani might be after establishing something like an ‘Islamic Emirate’, but mind that he and the mass of other leaders of that organisation was extremised in Assadists prisons – and left out of them by Assad (to tarnish the reputation of the original Syrian uprising against him), back in 2011.

And that he’s experienced fierce resistance from Syrian population under his (nominal) control, whenever trying to impose his will. Foremost: limiting ‘Syria’ to ‘jihadism’ is plain stupid. If at all, the country is ‘extremely pluralist’. So much so that the Islamic State used to consider its population – even the Syrian Salafists – for ‘unteachable scum’, because they were refusing its indoctrination.

There’s lots more like this.  I still don’t understand what’s going on.  But I enjoyed reading it.

This is not satire.  This is straight from JD himself:


My favorite meme?: “Trump’s wife serving cooked America.”

The Intertubes wonder: “Trad wife, or same-sex couple?”

A Stunning Redemption Story: I can’t recommend this highly-enough.  No excerpts, just read it.

Will We Have A De Facto Ban On Marijuana Shops In Delaware?  Sure seems like it.  Suxco has enacted restrictions.  Wilmington is trying to enact restrictions, and that’s before John Carney takes office.  Now, two of NCC’s worst want to do the same:

New Castle County is set to discuss new rules for retail marijuana stores that would make it significantly more difficult for vendors to find storefronts.

With legal recreational marijuana sales set to begin in just a few months, many jurisdictions are racing to establish prohibitions or limits on the new industry.

New rules in Delaware’s largest county come as Wilmington city officials were lambasted for their own proposed rules and ban, while Dover and Seaford are beginning similar discussions. Sussex County has already passed restrictive limits on where marijuana businesses could locate.

The New Castle County ordinance, which was sponsored by council members Janet Kilpatrick and David Tackett, is set for discussion by the New Castle County Land Use Committee on Tuesday, Dec. 3.

Ordinance 24-138 would make it so marijuana retail shops that weren’t licensed as medical dispensaries before July 1 would be limited to only three zoning districts.

It would be allowed as a special use in the commercial neighborhood (CN) district, which requires additional approvals, and as a limited use and in the commercial regional (CR) and Industrial (I) district, which has additional permitting requirements.

The proposal prohibits new dispensaries from opening within 1 mile of already licensed marijuana businesses.

Stores would also be barred from opening within 1,000 feet of a daycare, school, college, house of worship, substance abuse treatment facility, government building, park or library.

No dispensaries? No revenue.  My solution?  The revenue follows the jurisdictions that permit the dispensaries.  Should help out Newark, at least.

Middletown Beats Salesianum To Win State Football Championship.  This makes me happy.  Salesianum has fashioned itself a regional football power that attracts players from surrounding states.  Well-heeled donors have provided millions to turn the school’s facilities into a football machine.  It’s become a Notre Dame for locals who went there.  Instead:

Middletown High rallied from 18 points down to top Salesianum 30-24 in overtime to win the DIAA Class 3A football title Friday night at Delaware State University’s Alumni Stadium.

The Cavaliers recovered two onside kicks by Austin Hamm during the surge, Daniel Davis made an interception and the defense didn’t allow a score in the final two quarters prior to overtime.

I love a David Beats Goliath story.  Especially when Goliath is Sallies.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. puck says:

    “This is straight from JD himself”

    Still weird.

  2. Joe Connor says:

    So, I am BHS ’69 but I spent 9th until early 11th grade at my Fathers Alma Mater, Salesianum. There was a time when Sallies was an underdog, and no Delaware public school would schedule Sallies. So th schedule was filled with out of state schools Like Baltimore Polytech and Father Judge, Cardinal O’Hara in and around Philly. in 1965, my freshman year that changed and we travelled to Middletown to meet Bill Billings’ Middletown squad. It was a wild affair, our Coach, Notre Dame grad, Wayne Allen was ejected in the 4th quarter an Middletown emerged victorious by a close but unremembered score. I do remember a pretty wild scene as we all were hustled on to our buses and out of town, in those pre Rt 1 days it was a long cold ride. Congrats to Middletown on their big win last night!

    • Wayne S Whirld says:

      I am showing my age but I too remember Middletown’s victory. Exciting to see it happened again. Sallies and Middletown both have a great heritage. Bill Billings was a great coach but unfortunately was disgraced by an issue I can’t remember. His son Herkey went on to coach at Delaware State.

    • Well, they ARE largely ceremonial positions awarded to friends of the President.

      • Alby says:

        I know where the embassy is. If I get his schedule I’ll be sure to let him know what a piece of shit he is.

        Shakespeare was wrong. First thing we do, let’s kill all the developers.

        • BLT says:

          I’ve been meaning to ask you what it’s like to be retired in a place like Paris. Do you really need tons of money to do it? It’s something I’m thinking about over the next decade or so.

          • Alby says:

            Our Paris apartment rents for roughly what our mortgage was on our suburban house. It’s not cheap, but it’s less than you’d pay for a smaller apartment in New York.

            That said, I don’t need a car there, so there’s a big savings on transportation. Food is cheaper than here since the US instituted the Great Engougement, and once you live there for more than three months (long stay visa) you can apply to be on the national health care system. You don’t have to be a citizen, or even a permanent resident. Even if you pay for care out of pocket, it’s a fraction of what health care costs in the U.S. I don’t have a Carte Vitale, but my out-of-pocket cost for a doctor’s visit is that same as my co-pay here.

            You do have to prove you have enough money so that you won’t be a drain on the government, which is a lot more generous than the US government and doesn’t want to let in freeloaders.

            I don’t speak French except for enough to do basic tasks, which isn’t much of a problem in Paris but would be out in the country, though I know ex-pats who’ve gotten by for years and years with very little.

            I don’t know exactly how much you need for this all to work. I confess it’s not a problem for me because my wife inherited some money, but in terms of expenses we’re spending about the same amount we do when we’re here.

            Other countries, particularly Portugal, offer even better terms to retirees; a friend of mine from college who spent his career teaching at Southwest Missouri State retired there last year and loves it.

            • Jason says:

              Like^. I’d ad that you’ll probably have less need for medical attention because you are not eating the terrible American diet or living the sedentary American lifestyle.

  3. mediawatch says:

    We’re expecting some solid on-the-scene reporting from you over the next four years.

  4. Joe Connor says:

    Hunter Pardoned,