Insiders Sweep Special Election Caucuses

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on December 9, 2024

Dan Cruce and Ray Seigfried.

Running to take the place of Sarah McBride and Kyle Evans Gay.

They even exhumed fuckin’ Gerald Brady to come out to vote for Cruce.

The totals:

SD 1:

Cruce: 43

Bohm: 25

Frankel: 5

SD 5:

Seigfried: 23

Frisby: 20

Before this night is over, I believe that the thought of Ray Seigfried trying to succeed Kyle Evans Gay will literally sicken me.

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  1. 2024: The Good. The Bad. The Ridiculous. : Delaware Liberal | December 31, 2024
  1. maybe says:

    They picked a man who’s already lost one election. Do they love losing that much?

    • Not just already lost an election. Lost by a margin (59-41) that I can’t ever recall an incumbent D legislator having lost by.

      He’s a master of the inside game. Maybe he’ll be better than he was in 2020 when it comes to connecting with voters.

      But, trust me, he hasn’t had a charisma transplant. Should he survive the special election, he will be gone by 2026. Clip ‘n save.

      • Jonathan Tate says:

        To be fair, Earl Jacques was smoked 61-39% that same year in 2020 by Eric Morrison.

        • Joseph Connor says:

          And in fairness to Earl he had spent years pissing off his constituents while Ray got his butt kicked after 2 years by 19 points. He also refused to share ongoing constituent service files with his successor. I have $100 bucks to a bettor’s favorite charity that the dude will Never take another oath of office!

  2. PS says:

    We had 2 women who were champions for paid FMLA and improved childcare, and this is who the committees pick? SMDH.

  3. Joe Connor says:

    Congratulations to Christiana Care on their hijacking of the process, well done!

  4. The MoMo says:

    Is it possible for incoming Lt Governor to preside in a fashion that prohibits clear and blatant conflicts of interest from impacting law?

    • Not unless the General Assembly enacts legislation and/or ethics rules that prohibit those conflicts. I suppose the Senate could put that in their Senate rules…could make for some interesting theater.

      • The MoMo says:

        Worth more than the “only speak three times per bill” rule! Maybe if their vote would be particularly pivotal to the tally it should be excluded. For all the quiet riot about legislators with two state paychecks, they’re not the only ones lining their pockets. It must be addressed.

  5. LuigiFTW says:

    I can’t believe Bohm lost by that much. What in the hell is that RD smoking?

    Shay’s loss is pretty sad. She got really close and would’ve done a great job.

    • Nunya says:

      I don’t look at it this way. Adriana has never served on an RD. She does the work outside of that structure. The fact her team whipped 25 votes in less than a month, I feel, is impressive.

      Still a really awful loss considering her opponent. She really is just what the senate needs. Compassionate, passionate, willing to say what needs to be said and she will fight for the poor and working class.

  6. SD5Guy says:

    Betsy, Cassandra, and Kat need to go. They have to be some of the worst party folks in a long time. I know it is the RDs that decide but they were pulling shit behind the scenes, like always

  7. Tacitus says:

    Ray Seigfried’s win is an indictment of a special election nominating process in desperate need of reform. This guy resoundingly lost a Democratic primary just four years ago, and now he gets a promotion to the Senate? Also, anyone whose had the displeasure of interacting with him knows he is the king of condescension, interrupts ppl when they speak, mansplains, and is always looking for an angle for his own self-aggrandizement. His new colleagues are in for a real treat. The epitome of the absolute worst of the Delaware Way.