Join Me in Donating to Friendship House

Filed in Delaware by on December 13, 2024

Given the city of Wilmington’s war on the homeless and unhoused, my annual donation to Friendship House is needed more than ever, so I thought I’d try something here on Delaware Liberal that I used to do on my radio show when we raised money for the state’s food banks:

I will donate $1,000 to Friendship House if DL readers can pledge enough to match it. Just list your donation here. Here’s a link to the Friendship House web site. Donations are tax-deductible, of course, and you’ll get the extra satisfaction of sticking a thumb in the eyes of Mike Purzycki and John Carney. Not very Christian of me, I admit, but maybe it will help improve their vision.

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  1. Joe Connor says:

    I gave a hundred a few weeks back but if you get close I’ll kick in a few more bucks!

  2. puck says:

    The donation page has the option to send a message to the email address of your choice, just saying.

  3. I’m in as soon as my wife gives me the go-ahead.

    Not a question of if, just when.

  4. Joe Connor says:

    I just listened to the Patrick Bure pod. A gentle guy with a spine of steel! Perfect man to lead this fight.

  5. Dan says:

    Just donated $100