A Very Special Delaware Edition Of The DL Open Thread: Monday, December 16, 2024

Filed in Delaware, Featured, Open Thread by on December 16, 2024

Rethugs Got Handed The SD 5 Seat.  Turned It Down.  Backwards reels the mind.  Word on the street is that Cathy Cloutier sought the nomination for the post being vacated by Lt. Governor-Elect Kyle Evans Gay.  She would have blown away the rumpled empty suit who D party insiders chose as the nominee.  However, the R party insiders (Brandywine Region?  Statewide officers?) reportedly voted 5-4 in favor of gun obsessive Brent BurdgeThe two-time loser who couldn’t even muster up 40% of the vote against Melanie Ross Levin who, trust me, comes across as the opposite of warm and friendly.  In other words, someone decent would have blown him away by even more.  As did Sean Matthews two years earlier.

Marcus Henry’s Early Choices Are–Not Promising.  Especially if one is looking for a high standard of ethics in county government.  I mean, putting uber-developer lawyer Pam Scott on his transition team is bad enough.  But now he’s gone and named Elmer Setting as Director Of The Department Of Public SafetyThe News-Journal covers everything about him that is not important.  However, it neglects this:

More recently, the longstanding ‘rent-free’ deal that current NCC Police Commissioner has enjoyed from Moseley was documented in the this WDEL story.  He claims he provides ‘security and maintenance’ for the property.

OK, the story’s no longer available.  But, while Chief of NCC Police, Setting and his family lived in opulent style on the DuPont heiress’ estate.  For at least thirteen years.    You know, while providing ‘security and maintenance’ for the property.  Maintenance?  Handy with a socket wrench?   Oh, and there’s more to this deliciously-tawdry story, featuring none other than Sherry Freebury.  The entire Tom Gordon Cabal of Corruption.  Written by none other than Dominick Dunne.  You’ll want to savor every syllable.  Trust me.  This is the guy who Marcus Henry just had to have as his Director Of Public Safety.  Is Mel Slawik still around? A bad look, Marcus.  A real bad look.

I close with a comment from none other than me that was in the original thread:

Here’s the question that needs to be answered. For the past 13 years, Elmer Setting, his wife, and their three daughters, have been living rent-free on the estate of someone who bribed another County official into getting her country club approved and who likely helped finance a murder.

What did Setting do in order to get this golden deal? No rent, no mortgage for a family of five for 13 years? There simply HAS to be a sleazy reason for it. The News-Journal has repeatedly sought responses from Setting and Gordon. What are they hiding? How can this man hold a high position of public trust while refusing to explain away something that appears inexplicable? Can County Council require him to answer questions? And, is the AG’s office going to investigate this?

Bueller? Bueller?

State Senate In Special Session Today.  To name some of Carney’s Usual Suspects to the Hospital Care Cost Review Board, and to consider two judicial nominations.  Raising the question, why did Carney feel compelled to make two judicial nominations before the new Governor takes office?  Raising the answer, Carney doesn’t like the new Governor.  BTW, both Sarah McBride and Kyle Evans Gay are still members of the State Senate.  Time to move on to…holy fuck!  There’s a second set of hearings for nominations.  Guess who Carney has nominated to the Delaware River And Bay?  None other than BHL’s Cabana Boy Mike Houghton!  He should not be confirmed.  Utterly sickening Delaware Way shit.

Cerron Cade Charged With Six Counts Of Misdemeanor Shoplifting.  From the Home Depot On Miller Road in Wilmington.   Not one incident of taking six things, but six separate incidents.  Hope he gets the help he needs.  BTW, it appears that WDEL is the only outlet to report this although the story had been spreading amongst people in the know.  But at least the News-Journal has started its countdown of, I’m not making this up, the 150 best high school football players in Delaware.  I can barely contain myself.

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. del says:

    Marcus Henry picks are becoming concerning. The guy who basically got handed the CE seat due to running against someone, who is credibly certifiable, seems to have gotten too comfortable. See how County Council and people react but I have my concerns….

  2. Kevin Ohlandt says:

    What is going on with Cerron Cade being put on paid administrative leave?

  3. Arthur says:

    Usually it’s state police who live at various estates for free. Not usually county cops

    • bamboozer says:

      Correct, worked for an oil company that served estates, state cops got a house rent free on several as “security”.

  4. Joe Connor says:

    What is the date of the first Home Depot incident? Not to be skeptical, yea exactly for that reason!

  5. The more I think about it, the more disgusted I am with Carney nominating Houghton for the River And Bay, where he would join the undeserving likes of Tom Cook and Vince Meconi.

    It’s a petty act by a petty person. I’ve already called my state senator. I encourage you to do the same.

  6. peter briccotto says:

    Oh, it’s accurate. Not that you will love me saying it, but I wish she stuck it to the DEGOP in 2016 & switched parties. Honestly, I wish I was surprised by the DEGOP, but they are delusional thinking the tooth paste is going back into the tube when it comes to people’s rights.

    I was proud of Cathy for vocally stepping up for things she believes in – but let’s be real, it was FAR to progressive for them to back.

    Personally, I wish she would run as independent just to make this two candidates work for it.

    But, I don’t see that happening, so for the sake of my friends & family in n wilmo, go ray … bc the alternative is just not it.

    I am worried that in such a small turn out election, BB could pull it off. Republicans are ready to VOTE.

    We have to finally get coffee sometime & find some humor in the stupidity we have witnessed in this chess game.

    • Peter: Who were the group of people who voted on this?

      BTW, I’m ALWAYS up for coffee!

      Although, to find humor in the situation might call for something stronger than java.

      • peter briccotto says:

        honestly, I don’t know the official name of the committee structure. I think its just now Northern NCCo Republicans.

        I only spoke to one member, who was pretty moderate – and probably stunned like me.

        All of the years volunteering for Cathy, I always stayed away from party officials, so I wouldn’t know them if I fell over them. And, I am OK with that!

        I hope Cathy sticks it to them. She propped up that seat against the odds for years – and its clear now, it was a thankless effort.

        This special election shows that Matt Meyer is right on this issue. Special Elections shouldn’t be a crowning from
        party insiders.

        • liberalgeek says:

          Proportionally, the Dems had 2.5 times more electors than the Republicans. And if those 9 aren’t all in that district, it’s much worse.

          I wonder why no one has asked Republicans if they are in favor of a primary election to determine special election candidates. Dems have said that they are on-board.

  7. The MoMo says:

    Committee to review the first set (judicial and hospital board) confirmations keeps being pushed back, over an hour at this point. Trouble?
    Cade certainly put’s Carney’s judge of character into question at a time where that is critical for him…

    • Carney’s judge of character has long been in question–or never in doubt.

      But I think this must be some sort of personal issue with Cade, something that I don’t think any of us are privy to.

    • Hmm says:

      Cerron is a good person and has a long history of being a person of integrity. People make mistakes, let’s not hit a person while they’re down.

      • SussexWatcher says:

        A mistake made on six separate occasions could also be described as a choice.

      • I liked him when he went after Tony DeLuca’s cronies when he was Secretary of Labor.

        I agree. I hope he gets counseling or whatever he needs to address this issue.

        • paul says:

          Unless I am mistaken, Cerron Cade was the third person in Carney’s phalanx of state officials who tried to ruthlessly cheat retired state employees of their earned health benefits. I am angry about his choice to be that third person. I wish him no harm, but if harm befalls him I will experience a small warmth of satisfaction.

  8. mediawatch says:

    I understand that few DL regulars are fans of Mike Houghton but he served as DRBA’s Delaware legal counsel for more than 20 years. You can fault Carney for lack of imagination or for excessive reliance on a Rolodex last updated in the 1990s but you can’t make the case that Houghton is not qualified to serve on the DRBA board.

    • I’m making the case that Carney is finding a spot for one of BHL’s biggest supporters and doing it at the last minute to forestall Meyer being able to make a nomination.

      When we talk about qualifications for DRBA, why is the field always limited to Delaware Way insiders? Wouldn’t someone from outside those parameters have more to offer? I think so. It’s a choice golden parachute plum, and has ever been treated thus. If memory serves, wasn’t Harkins on DRBA? Can’t remember if it was before or after he went to jail.

      • mediawatch says:

        Mike Harkins was executive director of DRBA and it was before he went to jail. Here’s a Celia Cohen piece from deep in her archives: http://www.delawaregrapevine.com/3-05harkins.asp
        Agree that DRBA could benefit from some fresh thinking, but it’s not like there’s a bunch of younger folk asking for seats on that board. (But it might be a good place to stash Cerron Cade for a while.)

      • paul says:

        It turns out that Carney’s major at his privileged school was “Prickism”

  9. Cris Barrish updates the Cerron Cade story:


    This is just sad:

    “Cade, 41, faces six counts of misdemeanor shoplifting for thefts that allegedly occurred between June 16 and Oct. 30.

    Cade, whose taxpayer-funded salary is $164,000, allegedly stole eight items valued at $394.32, court records obtained by WHYY News show. Attempts to reach Cade were unsuccessful.

    The four-page arrest affidavit, provided by Delaware Justice of the Peace Court under a public records request, says Cade utilized a practice known as “skip scanning.”

    That means Cade allegedly purchased items at the store’s self-checkout registers but didn’t scan one or more items on each of the six separate incidents that were outlined in the arrest warrant.”

    Dog bites man:

    “State police, who didn’t announce the arrest in a news release but provided basic information after a request by WHYY News, said they began investigating on Dec. 6 after Home Depot reported multiple thefts by the same suspect.”

    • puck says:

      “Cade, who stands 6 feet, 6 inches tall…” no wonder they didn’t try to stop him.

      • OinkOink says:

        Or maybe they didn’t notice until someone in security reviewed which individuals grabbed certain products and the case against him took on a life of its own.

        I would normally say this could’ve been an accident as I’ve gone home and realized I missed an item when looking at my receipt, but 8 items in four months doesn’t sound like a mistake.

  10. The MoMo says:

    Senate adopted their rules today as well. Look at some of the conflict language and some amendments defeated: https://legis.delaware.gov/BillDetail/141714

    • Saw that.

      Have they considered the nominations yet? Can’t find anything on that…

      OK, they’re considering nominations on the floor now.

      GOD, BHL is annoying.

  11. Sarah McBride delivered a deeply moving valedictory as she bade farewell to the State Senate.

  12. All nominees were confirmed by the Senate–including Michael Houghton.

    Kyle Evans Gay was absent, meaning all votes other than those for the Hospital Cost Review Board, were 20-0. The R’s abstained on the hospital nominees.

  13. OinkOink says:

    Leave it to the cops to post mugshot after mugshot of people who are actually POOR online and got busted for shoplifting but then cover it up for someone who is well-connected and flush with cash.

    IDK anything about Cerron himself but if you’re going to shoplift, I salute you for picking places owned by Trump mega-donors like Home Depot.