DL Open Thread: Sunday, December 29, 2024

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on December 29, 2024

Matt Meyer Gives His Developer Friends This Lovely Parting Gift.  Kevin Caneco’s take is right on:

My statement on outgoing CE Matt Meyer veto of ORD 24-008 (Impact fees)

You’re a mean one Mr. Grinch…

Last night I learned outgoing CE Matt Meyer vetoed Substitute No. 1 to ORD 24-008 which adjusted and raised impact fees on new construction for the first time since the 90s. This sound and sensible legislation was passed by County Council on December 10th with a majority of Council voting yes. This legislation finally made rich developers pay their fair share while increasing much needed fees for our fire services, EMS services, parks, libraries and other county services. Outgoing CE Meyer siding with developers over hard working people is saddening to me and quite the lump of coal to hard working New Castle County residents. The talking points from Developers caring about affordable housing is akin to me saying the NY Jets win the super bowl this year.

Our fight is not over, I urge incoming CE Marcus Henry to side with the majority of Council and residents of NCC over developers. Our work is not done, we will pass this legislation, as much as the obstructionist developer lobby tries to stop us.

Councilman Kevin Caneco

Meyer’s explanation, such as it is?:

Now is not the time to increase the cost of housing in New Castle County…

…This County is facing an unprecedented housing crisis, not only for the most vulnerable among us, but also for so many working families across our community.  While the spirit and intent of these two ordinances is commendable, the actual implementation is much more complex and could lead to increasing the cost of homes, which will inevitably be passed on to home buyers.

Is this mic on?:  Developers aren’t building homes for the ‘most vulnerable among us’, or, for that matter, ‘working families’.  Oh, and County taxpayers are paying for the services that developers should be paying in order to provide the necessary infrastructure for the new development.

Not to mention, but I’ll mention it,  Meyer vetoes these ordinances during the holidays?  The day after Christmas, no less?  He wanted to bury this.  Consider it unburied.

This sucks, as does Meyer’s ‘rationale’ for doing it.

Plane Crash In South Korea:

The deadliest air accident ever in South Korea killed 179 people on Sunday, when an airliner belly-landed and skidded off the end of the runway, erupting in a fireball as it slammed into a wall at Muan International Airport.

The twin-engine Boeing 737-800 was seen in local media video skidding down the runway with no visible landing gear before crashing into navigation equipment and a wall in an explosion of flames and debris.

Best Bowl Tie-In Ever:

Haven’t had a Pop-Tart in something like 30 years.  But they sure looked good to me yesterday…

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Alby says:

    Josh Marshall thinks calling the Trumpworld spat over H1B visas a “civil war” overstates the case.

    [W]hat we’re seeing here is more the fallout of the fact that lots of players saw Trump as a vehicle that stood a good shot at winning the presidency, was old and increasingly worn out and wasn’t particularly invested in what happened once he was in the White House other than not going to jail and lording it over his foes. That leaves lots of openings for people who see the opportunity and take a ride in the car with the aim of making their way to the drivers’ seat because they know Trump is old, distracted and mostly doesn’t care.

    Sounds right to me, and in case anyone doubts which side POSOTUS* will come down on, one side has billionaires and the other has Cletus and the Mooks. The math isn’t difficult.

    *Piece of Shit of the United States

    • I’ll only add, the side of a Civil War that has Laura Loomer on it will lose the Civil War.

      • Alby says:

        It’s no coincidence that the media front-paged her and not Bannon. The media wants those visas as badly as the Billionaire Boys Club does, not because they will directly benefit but because they are fundamentally the kind of blinkered small business types who worship at the Chamber of Commerce. They smell money just as well as Trump does, and find it just as intoxicating even when they stand little chance of getting their hands on any of it.

  2. Lee says:

    Meyer lied to people saying his bs veto was “out for working people” Not when you veto that ordinance.

    Caneco putting him on blast was why I’m happy Caneco is there doing his thing.


  3. Kat says:

    I call bs on Meyer What happened to all the campaign promises? Meyer’s veto of impact fees is outrageous. You’re a little too slick for me but you were the best alternative. I don’t believe that “vulnerable people” mean anything to you. Hope House was an opportunity for a free gift and used to your political benefit.

    You’re supposed to be the governor of all of the people. This includes Sussex County which you have ignored. You have been asked to help the people who have no shelter and you couldn’t even respond to the request. BS Meyer!

    And are you going to sabotage the efforts in Sussex County to change developer’s strangle hold on County Council. I could go on and on but feel that deaf ears and blind eyes are inherent in your political decisions

  4. Wayne S Whirld says:

    Meyer will never care about Sussex County. Makes me wonder if he was some kind of Trojan Horse for the developers. Hope Caneco and others bring this up and pass it again soon.