Jimmy Carter Has Died

Filed in Featured by on December 29, 2024

The Greatest Ex-President ever.  His selflessness and compassion were inspirations to so many people:




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  1. mediawatch says:

    And maybe the least appreciated president ever too.

    • elliej says:

      Except for Joe Biden, who accomplished so much and is so unappreciated!

      • mediawatch says:

        I’m inclined to agree with you but we shouldn’t rush to judgment. Little doubt he’ll look better than what we see over the next four years but we’ve got to look long term to make a meaningful appraisal.

  2. Alby says:

    He never said “malaise,” either.

  3. Joe Connor says:

    The only President that employed me. A better member of the human race can’t be found. A couple dirty tricks and a failed helicopter deprived him of a 2nd term. And a great friend of The Allman Brothers. I’m playing Midnight Rider!

  4. Wayne S Whirld says:

    I first had the honor to meet President Carter when he was Governor. My second opportunity was at the 1976 DNC convention. When I was in his presence as President he was the same gracious unassuming person. He was kind to the young staffer that I was. I have always thought him as a great man who did not get the credit he deserved.

  5. R V Gelder says:

    In response to this news I continue to read about gas lines during his administration. The gas lines during the Carter administration paled in comparison to the gas lines during the Nixon administration. I have reached the point in my life where my memory may be distorted though.

  6. Alby says:

    Erik Loomis at Lawyers, Guns and Money offers a clear-eyed assessment of the man, his presidency and his legacy.
