2024 Top Song of the Day Countdown

Filed in Arts and Entertainment by on January 4, 2025

I know how much El Somnambulo likes Top 10 lists, so here, in reverse order, are 2024’s top 10 Songs of the Day, measured by reader views. The No. 1 song won going away because it’s still getting visitors, while most of the others trailed off a week or so after they ran.

10: Toby Keith, “Wacky Tobaccy,” Feb. 6: The country star known for his jingoism died of stomach cancer the previous day. Until I read his obit I didn’t know he voted for Obama.

9. The Wailing Wailers, “Simmer Down,” Feb. 16: In conjunction with the release of a Bob Marley biopic that dealt with his Delaware years. Critics panned it (44% on Rotten Tomatoes), but it had a decent soundtrack.

8. Tenacious D, “Tribute,” July 18: When that kid shot at Donald Trump, some people were honest and said they were sorry he missed. One of them was Jack Black’s partner in Tenacious D. When Trump’s minions cried foul, Black disbanded the act. A tribute was only fitting.

7. Incubus, “Pardon Me,” Dec. 3: Dedicated to Joe Biden after he pardoned his son, Hunter, thus upsetting all those who wanted to retain the moral high ground. How many of those critics would have thrown their own child to the wolves?

6. Jane’s Addiction, “Jane Says,” Sept. 16: Occasioned by frontman Perry Farrell starting a brawl with guitarist Dave Navarro in the middle of a show, surprising no one but ending the band’s reunion tour.

5. Dire Straits, “Money for Nothing,” Aug. 29: Commemorating yet another Trump grift of the gullible, a series of “digital trading cards,” his version of vaporware.

4. Huey Lewis and the News, “Stuck With You,” July 12: At the time, Joe Biden was still insisting he wouldn’t drop out of the presidential race. For how long that lasted, see No. 2.

3. Warren Zevon, “I’ll Sleep When I’m Dead,” Aug. 7: That’s what vice presidential candidate and Zevon fan Tim Walz told a rally crowd back when his candidacy was young and hopes were high. I hope he’s not taking that literally.

2. NSYNC, “Bye, Bye, Bye,” July 22: Summing up the universal feeling the day after Joe Biden bowed out of the presidential race. Old Yeller was treated better.

1. King Willonius, “Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body,” May 20: A spat on the House floor between Marjorie Taylor Greene and Jasmine Crockett inspired Crockett’s famous insult, along with a raft of parody songs like this one.

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  1. KentCoKat says:

    That Baby Lasagna song from Eurovision was my fav. Thanks for including that.

  2. puck says:

    I just want to take a moment to thank Al and Delaware Liberal for this this low-key but high-quality feature… for free! Way better than the entertainment desk of the remaining media outlets. Somedays Song of the Day is the best thing on the news.