DL Open Thread: Monday, January 6, 2025

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on January 6, 2025

“Premeditated And Continuous Deception”.  Convict–And President:

In the matter of Donald J. Trump, the criminal justice system failed egregiously to hold the once and future president accountable. It’s almost inconceivable that Trump will spend a single day behind bars. To the contrary, New York State Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan suggested that, given Trump’s imminent return to the White House, he plans enter a no-strings-attached sentence of “unconditional discharge.”

Still, to read Merchan’s decision last week upholding Trump’s felony conviction is to see welcome glimmers of accountability for Trump’s underlying conduct and his behavior as the prosecution proceeded. The consequences may be mostly symbolic and rhetorical, but symbolism and rhetoric matter. Most important is that the jury verdict stands; Trump will pursue his appeal, but, 10 days after the scheduled sentencing, he will be the first president to enter the White House as a felon. And Merchan dismissed Trump’s preposterous claims that the presidential immunity declared by the Supreme Court somehow extends to Trump as president-elect and prevents him from being sentenced, especially since it was Trump himself who sought the postponement.

Now seems the right time to point out that election law scofflaw Bethany Hall-Long will become Governor for two weeks starting tomorrow.  Because neither the Elections Commissioner nor the AG did their jobs.  Delaware Way shrugs all around.  ‘Premeditated and continuous deception’ defines what BHL did during the last year.  Only the voters held her accountable.

Will Bunch: Vegas, N’Awlins And The Ugly Truths America Won’t Talk About:

Five days later, it’s clear that the roots of this latest spasm aren’t found in the deserts of Syria but ingrained in the modern demons of American life, in both our excessively militaristic culture and also in the overlapping crisis of male anger and rage that arguably also put Trump back on top in the November election.

Despite early speculation, Jabbar and Livelsberger didn’t know each other, but their common bonds are striking. Both men served in Afghanistan, the botched longest war in U.S. history that left the Taliban intact and in charge even as it scarred the Americans who fought there. Both men were trained to kill overseas yet unskilled at coping at home, leaving a trail of broken marriages and (for Jabbar) money woes. And both, in their so-called minifestos of murder, sublimated their rage and feelings of misogyny to adopt a veneer of political rationalization.

As a leading chronicler of American war abuses, the journalist Nick Turse, reported, U.S. military service is now the No. 1 predictor for mass-casualty violence here at home, a factor that has increased dramatically since around 2011, when America marked its 10th anniversary in Afghanistan. Turse cites new University of Maryland research that one-quarter of all known plotted U.S. mass-casualty events from 1990 through 2023 were tied to veterans or active troops, far greater than their share of the population. In that context, the story of Livelsberger leaps off the page.

Uh, perhaps police departments shouldn’t hire so many military veterans?  Do trained killers really make good cops?  That’s a rhetorical question.

Hope For Wilmington’s Eastside:  STEM Facility To Open:

Anybody riding through the industrial and retail wasteland of Northeast Boulevard in Wilmington over the past two years couldn’t help but notice the impressive structure rising off the bedraggled strip.

First, there was a sprawling mound of dirt and construction equipment, then a mass of rust-colored ironwork. Workers next covered the long two-story building that’s attached to EastSide Charter School with a swath of blue insulation wrap.

What stands now is a sleek, gleaming 41,000-square-foot brick and glass facility that will serve as the state’s first educational STEM Hub.

EastSide students can start using the STEM Hub this week when they return to classes after the holiday break. The curriculum offerings are unprecedented for a Delaware K-8 school. There will be courses in engineering, robotics, coding, chemistry, biology, gaming, 3D printing, renewable energy and other STEM-related subjects, including one sponsored by NASA.

EastSide students will take classes there, and after school the Wilmington Library will oversee programs that will be available to anyone, regardless of where they live, for free.

Wilmington’s EastSide has traditionally been one of the most underserved communities in the state.  This is exciting stuff.

Nobody else has picked up the Kevin Hensley DUI story.  Somebody?  Anybody?

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. Eric Blair says:

    I’m not sure going to a charter school and learning to code is a great solution for the economic and social issues on the Eastside. Actually I know that it isn’t. But it’s the perfect story for WHYY liberals.

  2. Delawarelefty says:

    Well it is Traitor’s Day and congress is ready to certify the First Felon and convicted Pervert as the next president…..how fitting.

  3. puck says:

    Is a “STEM Hub” anything like a “school?”

    Not knocking the new facility, whatever it is, but don’t let this new thing be an excuse not to offer solid STEM courses in EVERY public school.

    • I link to the articles I cite for a reason.

      Readers with questions might want to read the source material before they ask questions that may have been answered.

      • puck says:

        Of course I read the article. That was not my first rhetorical question and won’t be my last.

  4. Eric Blair says:

    Here’s some good news. IDF soldiers traveling abroad are being threatened with war crimes arrest. One guy just fled from Brazil to… LOL Argentina! Safe haven for Nazi criminals 80 years.


  5. prajnapti says:

    That is indeed good news and I was thrilled when I learned of it. Can’t help but be angry over CNN’s coverage of it, however. “Rajab was a 5-year-old girl who was killed by Israeli tank fire while in her family’s car in Gaza.”

    When this first happened I listened to the recordings of her emergency call for help (it’s available on youtube, with translation). That little girl begged for help for hours and you can read more of the details surrounding her death here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Hind_Rajab.

    Long story short, IDF knew they were murdering only a child and medics but slaughtered them anyway. Sorry to be a downer but CNN’s synopsis makes it sound like it could’ve been an accident and it was anything but.

  6. b2myfriends says:

    Kevin Hensley story showed up on WDEL’s site today (1/7). Still no mention on the News Urinal website.

    • Amanda Fries of the News-Journal initially broke the story.

      I’m surprised that neither Spotlight Delaware nor WHYY have followed up.

      Delaware Public Media rewrote the story, but excluded a key fact, which was that Hensley was driving at TWICE the legal limit when he almost killed someone.