RIP: John Daniello

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on January 9, 2025

I think I first met him in my parents’ living room circa 1964.  I would have been thirteen at the time.  He was running for a spot on New Castle County Levy Court, and I remember him saying he was ‘running to get rid of my job’.  Meaning, running to seek a different kind of government for New Castle County.  He succeeded.

I remember him leading the efforts to get rid of the corrupt Gene Reed machine in New Castle County.  He succeeded.  Here is his obituary:

While I know that he evokes strong feelings among people in the Democratic Party, I remember him as that reformer back in the sixties and into the early eighties.

Sure, we clashed from time to time.  John had strong beliefs and didn’t hesitate to defend what he believed in.

But he was a true reformer in his earlier days, and he did a lot on behalf of New Castle County and the Delaware Democratic Party.

Accordingly, I would request that responses to this thread be respectful of John and his family.  I, for one, express my condolences to his family.  He was truly an unforgettable person and I will miss him.

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  1. liberalgeek says:

    I grew fond of him as I had more interactions with him. He was truly a character. I remember that one of his commandments to candidates was to ALWAYS identify themselves as Democrats on their signs.

    I also remember that there was a Quixotic challenge to Erik Raser-Schramm in 2017. At the convention, there was a standing vote. The first candidate had 4 or 5 people stand up to vote for them and they were duly counted. John had them sit down. Then he asked people to stand for ERS. The rest of the 250ish people stood. John shouted “Count ’em!”

  2. Erik Raser-Schramm says:

    I would have never been involved in the Delaware Democratic Party if it wasn’t for JDD. I was a young 23 year old kid working on Governor Minner’s re-election campaign when John came into the office, pulled up a chair in front of my desk and talked to me. By the end of that conversation, as president of the Delaware Young Democrats, he appointed me as an at large member to the New Castle County Dem Committee. He mentored and ushered so many of us into the party. Nicole, Molly, Alex, Kristen, Cerron, Renee just to name a FEW. Rest in Peace John and thank you for giving so many of us an opportunity.

  3. Joe Connor says:

    I supported John when I was 19 against Sam Shipley in a hotly contested primary. When I went to work for the UFCW in 72, my president Norman Tyrie as well as my union mentors John Campanelli and Tom Schrank counted on John and got support for all labor causes. I will always associate John with the old State Dem Convention venue, Dover Central Miele school. I have stories of him dealing with Charlie Britton and Donald Isaac that are not repeatable. In later years our interactions were rocky at best but he was a good man.

  4. Wayne S Whirld says:

    I first met John when he was cabinet Secretary for Sherman Tribbitt. JD was a strong personality and you most always knew where he stood. He was a good man. RIP

  5. Peace to Betsy and the family. He served and was a kind and open leader with whom I sometimes disagreed but respect what he gave of his talent and energy to my Party.