Delaware’s Education System: The Fat Guy In Little White Coat Syndrome
Guest Post By Salty Peanut:
Delaware’s education policies are relics from an era when students carried Walkmans—or worse, when their parents picked them up in cars playing 8-tracks. The state has 19 public school districts, three vocational-technical districts, and 23 charter schools, all operating independently rather than as part of a cohesive system. This fractured structure leads to disparities in resources, policies, and student outcomes. Our state ranks 45th nationally in education outcomes, a glaring indicator of systemic failure.
In the 2023-2024 school year, only 33% of students achieved proficiency in math, and 40% in English Language Arts (ELA). High school students didn’t fare any better, with 45% scoring proficient or higher in reading and a dismal 18% in mathematics on the SAT.
These aren’t just numbers; they’re flashing red lights on the dashboard, warning us that the engine is about to blow. Yet, during the recent Joint Finance Committee (JFC) hearing, the Department of Education (DOE) seemed content with minor tune-ups instead of the complete overhaul we desperately need.
Consider the Maurice Pritchett Sr. Academy in Wilmington. Before even discussing new schools, it’s important to acknowledge the structure Delaware operates within. In Wilmington alone, students are split among the Brandywine, Christina, and Red Clay districts, with no single comprehensive public high school serving the city itself. This leaves many students attending suburban schools far from their communities. Meanwhile, Sussex County is divided among eight independent school districts, including Indian River and Laurel, each governing its own set of schools. Sussex is also home to one charter school, the Sussex Academy of Arts & Sciences. These structural inefficiencies make statewide reform nearly impossible. It’s commendable that we’re opening new schools in the city for the first time in decades, but as of now, the academy doesn’t even have a principal. How do you open a brand-new school in a struggling city and not even have a principal? That’s not a minor administrative issue—it’s a flashing neon sign that says “We’re making it up as we go along.” Similarly, The Bayard School is also operating without a principal.
Then there’s the Woodbridge School District, encompassing areas like Bridgeville and Greenwood in lower Delaware. Despite serving approximately 2,500 students, the district’s superintendent earns about $170,000 annually. This situation arises because school systems prefer to remain independent rather than merge and share resources, leading to inefficiencies. And while school systems will never admit that culture (and for sure not race) plays a role in why they don’t want to merge, the reality is that in many parts of Delaware—from Wilmington to lower Delaware—post-integration, families who could afford to send their kids to private schools, particularly so-called private Christian schools, did just that. These schools provided a way for parents to cite “religious education” as their reason for pulling out of the public school system while avoiding openly stated racial motives.
This reality doesn’t just impact students of color in struggling schools above the canal. Inner-city schools in Wilmington, which serve mostly minority students, and rural schools in lower Delaware, which serve mostly white students, face many of the same systemic problems—underfunding, teacher shortages, and declining performance. Yet, political divisions, racial tensions, and cultural differences keep these communities from seeing that they are two sides of the same coin. Instead of uniting to demand systemic change, they remain divided, allowing Delaware politicians to maintain the status quo without real accountability.
Delaware is small enough that these problems should be fixable. But the state isn’t just dealing with bureaucratic inefficiencies—this is a political and cultural divide as well. Wilmington and New Castle County, predominantly Democratic and urban, often push for state-led education reform, while lower Delaware, predominantly Republican and rural, prioritizes local control and resists centralization. This tension creates a convenient dynamic: Republican representatives in lower Delaware benefit from maintaining their constituents’ independence from northern influence, while Democrats in Wilmington and Dover blame the lack of statewide progress on Republican obstruction. It’s a perfect political equation—each side gets a villain, and the cycle continues. We’re not running a massive system like New York or California. And yet, because of the “Delaware Way”—this polite, insider-friendly, don’t rock the boat mentality—no one actually does the hard work of fixing it. Instead, politicians patch over the problems, assuming voters won’t push for real accountability.
Take our infatuation with charter schools. Marketed as innovative solutions, they’ve often deepened racial and economic divides, siphoning resources from public schools without delivering on their promises of superior performance.
Then there’s the issue of chronic absenteeism, affecting 25% of our students statewide. This isn’t just about kids skipping class; it’s a symptom of unreliable transportation, inadequate mental health support, and disengagement stemming from underfunded and understaffed schools.
And let’s not forget the teacher shortage, with over 1,000 unfilled positions last year. Our solution? Relying on long-term substitutes lacking proper certification, leaving our most vulnerable students without the qualified educators they desperately need.
Before we can tailor a new, well-fitted educational framework, we must confront our current state. Ignoring the strained seams and worn fabric of our system won’t make the problems disappear. As one lawmaker aptly noted, “We can’t set goals to improve without first acknowledging where we stand.” This means embracing uncomfortable truths and being willing to make bold changes.
Delaware’s education system isn’t failing because of one political party—it’s failing because both sides avoid doing the hard work. Republicans claim Democratic leadership is the problem, but red states like Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana rank even worse. Meanwhile, Delaware Democrats govern more like corporate centrists than progressives, keeping the system just intact enough to avoid real scrutiny. Both sides dodge systemic reform because those take time and don’t win quick votes.
That means finally scrapping the outdated funding model, raising teacher salaries to a competitive level, stopping the unchecked expansion of charter schools, creating a real transportation plan for students, and giving local districts more power to make decisions based on their unique needs. These aren’t Democratic or Republican ideas—they’re common-sense reforms that any competent government should be implementing.
And while teachers and schools must do their part, we also need to acknowledge that many students come to school facing challenges that go beyond what any teacher can fix. Education doesn’t happen in a vacuum. If a child doesn’t have access to adequate meals at home because of the rising cost of groceries, or if they can’t even get a comfortable night’s sleep because their parents are afraid to turn the heat up too high due to soaring Delmarva energy costs, their ability to learn is already compromised before they step into a classroom. These are the types of factors that government regulation and intervention could help address, but instead, policymakers would rather act as if education exists in a bubble, unaffected by the larger economic conditions impacting students’ lives.
So what’s Delaware going to do? Are we going to keep pretending this fragmented system somehow functions, even as districts pull in different directions, charter schools siphon resources without accountability, and local control remains an untouchable sacred cow? Keep tugging at the seams, pretending this bloated, outdated system will somehow hold together? Or finally rip the whole thing off and build something that actually fits? Because the truth is, we don’t have a choice. The coat isn’t just too small—it’s already split wide open in the back, and while we’re still strutting around like it fits, everyone else is laughing at the giant tear flapping behind us.
Do not despair, fresh from her “distinguished” tenure as NCC prexy KHN has filed for Brandywine School Board. I’m sure she has the solutions we desperately need!
She’s as dumb a person as I’ve met in Delaware politics, though to be fair I’ve never met Lumpy or Dave Lawson.
Dumber than Lawson. Her vs. Lumpy is a toss-up.
This is one of the better written critiques of the system that I’ve seen.
I blame many of these problems on the Markell administration. While they screwed around with the transportation formula (because Jack saw a nearly empty bus once), they encouraged the proliferation of charters. I don’t know if this is when the prologue language started letting charters keep the money left over from transportation that districts had to return, but it certainly hasn’t changed.
Markell also sold out teachers with the RttT high-stakes testing, data coaches, etc.
Of course, Carney did nothing to fix or ameliorate the issue in his 8 years.
I’ve been saying it for DECADES, we have resegregated our schools by family wealth. This leads inexorably to the few getting a disproportionate share of “good education” and the vast majority getting the leftovers.
I’m generally against district consolidation until we solve the charter problem, since they are each, essentially, their own district. And many of them are run by folks that are laboring under some idea that they can break rules now and ask for forgiveness later.
And yet… The Charter School Network is consistently trying to get a foothold in new political theaters. In my area, they have run a school board candidate and a state rep candidate (both “democrats”) in the past year.
It’s a frustrating uphill battle.
“Our state ranks 45th nationally in education outcomes, a glaring indicator of systemic failure”
This number keeps getting tossed around but its not clear what it means. Is this 45th in the nation at the time of 12th grade matriculation for ALL Delaware students (including public, private, parochial, charter, and home school) or traditional public schools only? What about students who live in delaware but are surreptitiously enrolled in Garnet Valley or Kennett? We have such a disproportionately high rate of non-public school enrollment that measuring public school outcomes only will distort the ranking.
I am lead to believe that our teachers are no better or worse than teachers in surrounding states, and that our most marginal students aren’t any less intelligent or more needy than the marginal students of Delaware, Cecil, or Salem county. It just so happens that non-“traditional public” schools siphon off the highest performing students.
The source seems to be
Delaware’s ranking in the education domain is based on four criteria: the proportion of young children (ages three and four) not enrolled in school (55%), fourth graders not proficient in reading (75%), eighth graders not proficient in math (82%), and high school students not graduating on time (20%)
It is a well written piece but fundamentally not different from the 2015 WEAC report, which identified many of the major challenges reasonably accurately, including resegregation.
With one glaring exception: WEAC included Delaware’s charters as part of the solution, rather than identifying them as part of the problem.
That 45th place ranking gets thrown around a lot, but let’s be honest—it doesn’t tell the full story. It’s based only on public schools, including charters, and completely ignores private schools, parochial schools, and homeschoolers. It also doesn’t account for the number of Delaware kids whose families quietly use a relative’s address to enroll them in better-funded schools across state lines in PA, MD, or NJ.
On top of that, many of the strongest public schools require applications, pulling in the highest-achieving students and further skewing the numbers. So when people cite Delaware’s public school ranking, what they’re really measuring is who has the ability to leave the system, not just the quality of education itself.
And let’s not pretend this is just a Delaware problem. When President Obama took office, he publicly said he’d enroll his daughters in D.C. public schools to show he was serious about fixing them. Yet, somehow, they both ended up at Sidwell Friends, one of the most prestigious private schools in the country. It raises the question—how many Delaware politicians who can afford other options actually have their kids in public schools here? If they don’t, what does that say about the system they oversee?
^^^^ If traditional public school enrollment was compulsory for the children of every Delaware elected official and DSEA member, you might actually see changes.
Nice talk, but good luck with that.
Charter schools have public support across the board, and it’s higher among minority parents than everyone else. Minority parents constitute – what do we call it again? – oh yeah, the Democratic Party base.
Not the main issue here, but as parent who had kids attend both traditional public schools and a charter school, I will say one difference is how each handled disciplinary issues. The charter school gave a problem child two or three chances, then they were gone (expelled). Public schools seem more tolerant, maybe by law, but that’s one reason (plus smaller class sizes) why we favored charter schools.
And where do the students released by the charter schools go?
Salty Peanut makes many good points, but the comments about Sussex are off-base. One reason Downstate has so few charter schools is that the public school districts are strong. Local responsiveness matters. (Think of NCC County Council, where strangers make zoning decisions for neighborhoods they never visit.)
$170K is healthy pay, but Woodbridge’s recent super showed its worth. A district that was once the De La Warr of Lower Delaware now has community support, terrific facilities and student retention.
A series of well-intentioned fads – mass busing, then charters – have left upstate schools with all of the problems and little of the support. Below the canal, though, education is structured in a way that can work. (Yes, one or two districts have problems, but they are best addressed by funding and focused programs.)
Other than the suggestion for mass consolidation, I endorse Salty’s incisive essay.
Salty Peanut makes many good points, but the comments about Sussex are off-base. One reason Downstate has so few charter schools is that the public school districts are strong. Local responsiveness matters. (Think of NCC County Council, where strangers make zoning decisions for neighborhoods they never visit.)
$170K is healthy pay, but Woodbridge’s recent super showed its worth. A district that was once the De La Warr of Lower Delaware now has community support, terrific facilities and student retention.
A series of well-intentioned fads – mass busing, then charters – have left upstate schools with all of the problems and little of the support. Below the canal, though, education is structured in a way that can work. (Yes, one or two districts have problems, but they are best addressed by funding and focused programs.)
Other than the suggestion for mass consolidation, I endorse Salty’s incisive essay (and liberalgeek’s response).
Where ya been, bro? We’ve missed you.
Context: Northern New Castle County schools lost community support when the courts ordered busing, and have never regained it.
Is the name “Salty Peanut” an allusion to the bebop classic “Salt Peanuts” by Dizzy Gillespie? Probably not, but it just popped into my head.
Yes. In fact, if you go back to SP’s first post, you’ll find a classic version of the song featuring Dizzy and Bird. It’s sort-of a clue to the person’s identity, but not enough for people to figure out who it is.
You don’t get ‘Easter eggs’ like this on ANY OTHER DELAWARE POLITICAL BLOG.