Delaware Liberal

Song of the Day 3/2: Rhiannon Giddens and the Resistance Revival Chorus, “All You Fascists Bound to Lose”

Rhiannon Giddens was scheduled to play the Kennedy Center in May, but instead she’s become the latest performer to tell the Trump-controlled venue to shove it up their ass. Not in those words, of course – she was a lot classier about it than would be.

I kept quiet until now because I wanted to make a thoughtful and thought-out decision, but also because it took time to get the new gig set up and I wanted to make it as easy as possible for folks to follow us the 8-minute drive down the street to The Anthem! All Kennedy Center tickets will be refunded at point of purchase. The Anthem tickets are now on sale. I am lucky to have found another venue willing to make this change at such a late date.

Artists aren’t the only ones heading for the exits. The Washington Post reports that ticket sales have dropped by 50% since the Fat Flatulent seized control.

Giddens’ defection can hardly be called a surprise. She recorded this version of Woody Guthrie’s anti-Nazi song with the Resistance Revival Chorus in 2020, toward the end of Trump’s first reign of destruction.

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