A Very Special Pre-Pre-Game Show: Delaware General Assembly, March 2025

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 10, 2025 0 Comments

Been posting here since 2009.  Been doing the General Assembly previews since then.

I can’t recall a more uncertain legislative landscape than what we face now.

1. There is no precedent for the upheaval at the federal level.  Nobody knows how this will impact the federal flow of money to Delaware, including Governor Meyer.  You tell me how the Governor and the Joint Finance Committee are supposed to craft a budget when Trump changes his mind several times a day.  

2.  Gov. Meyer has some real good ideas, but has a terrible political bedside manner.  It doesn’t help that he’s placed his campaign manager in a government position where he disses members of the State Senate and other opponents.  Bryan Townsend really can’t stand Meyer.  There’s way too much important stuff to deal with for this battle of egos to continue.  Time to at least find a framework to work together.

3.  A greater-than-usual number of hot button issues.  The Port and the Corporation law bill at the top of the list.  It looks like there’s more consensus on breaks for utility customers.  Which is perhaps a good place to start to mend some fences.

4.  We still don’t really know how the House will function with new leadership and new members.  Early signs are promising, though.  But the issues listed above are generally more challenging and more divisive than the General Assembly has faced in recent years.

5.  At least there is one constant–Rethugs are irrelevant.  They’ve opted to spend their energy going after electric cars, clean energy and teh Trans community.  Irretrievably irrelevant.

Well, it was a short Very Special Pre-Pre-Game Show.  Been working on my brevity.  I’ll be more long-winded tomorrow.

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