DL Open Thread: Friday, March 21, 2025

Filed in Featured, Open Thread by on March 21, 2025 7 Comments

Ready, Fire, Aim:  What, Exactly, Does Matt Meyer Stand For, And Why Does His Staff Keep Saying Stoopid Things?  To (half-) wit:

In a written statement, Mila Myles, a spokesperson for Meyer, said the governor will be “hands-on, meeting with everyone and taking action so that Delaware continues to be the global leader.” She also defended the legislation.

Asked to address the implication that the bill is being pushed at the behest of Meta, she said the CNBC article was the “product of political spinsters” that have a financial interest in “outrageously high attorney fees.” She added that they are “throwing a temper tantrum” and “resorting to misinformation” because they may “have to take a small haircut” to preserve Delaware’s tax base.

Mila Myles, a spokeswoman for Meyer, said in a statement that the governor has spent his first few weeks on the job meeting with “plaintiffs attorneys, Delaware corporate attorneys and countless Delaware incorporated companies,” adding that he is not “doing the bidding of any billionaire.”

Tell me again–who, exactly, is resorting to misinformation?  Oh, one (or two) more:

Neither would Gov. Matt Meyer, who took office the day after Trump did. Meyer spokesman Nick Merlino did, however, outline the governor’s position on the divisive issue.

“Gov. Meyer doesn’t believe that trans girls should be playing in girls’ sports, but ultimately he defers those decisions to the leagues and localities,” Merlino said.

You get the idea.  Doesn’t strike me that a whole lot of listening is going on, but there’s plenty of deflection and blame-casting.  Not off to a great start, to put it mildly.  Oh, that reminds me, attorney and corporate shill Rep. Krista Griffith has already come out in opposition to the compromise amendment of Sophie Phillips.  Griffith takes her marching orders from the legislation’s proponents, so her words have some import.  It is time for someone to primary her.

In fact, it’s time to let every single Democratic legislator know that support for an unamended bill means that they will be running as a team with Elon Musk.  You can already visualize the lit pieces.  Ya hear me, Krista?  Ya hear me, Ray Seigfried?

Anyway, that’s enough Delaware Way shit for one day.

Donald Trump, Elon Musk, And A Potential War Against China:  You don’t have to guess who stands to make (checks calculator) zillions:

The Pentagon was scheduled on Friday to brief Elon Musk on the U.S. military’s plan for any war that might break out with China, two U.S. officials said on Thursday.

It was not clear if the briefing for Mr. Musk would go ahead as originally planned. But providing Mr. Musk access to some of the nation’s most closely guarded military secrets would be a dramatic expansion of his already extensive role as an adviser to Mr. Trump and leader of his effort to slash spending and purge the government of people and policies they oppose.

It would also bring into sharp relief the questions about Mr. Musk’s conflicts of interest as he ranges widely across the federal bureaucracy while continuing to run businesses that are major government contractors. In this case, Mr. Musk, the billionaire chief executive of both SpaceX and Tesla, is a leading supplier to the Pentagon and has extensive financial interests in China.

Contractors working on relevant Pentagon projects generally do have access to certain limited war planning documents, but only once war plans are approved, said Todd Harrison, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where he focuses on defense strategy. Individual executives rarely if ever get exclusive access to top Pentagon officials for such a sensitive briefing, Mr. Harrison said.

“Musk at a war-planning briefing?” he said. “Giving the CEO of one defense company unique access seems like this could be grounds for a contract protest and is a real conflict of interest.”

Mr. Musk’s SpaceX is already being paid billions of dollars by the Pentagon and federal spy agencies to help the United States build new military satellite networks to try to confront rising military threats from China. SpaceX launches most of these military satellites for the Pentagon on its Falcon 9 rockets, which take off from launchpads SpaceX has set up at military bases in Florida and California.

The company separately has been paid hundreds of millions of dollars by the Pentagon that now relies heavily on SpaceX’s Starlink satellite communications network for military personnel to transmit data worldwide.

Trump’s JFK Reveal Reveals At Least 400 Social Security Numbers.  Hope the half-sized crew remaining at the Social Security Administration can work double-time to correct this:

After the Social Security numbers of more than 400 former congressional staffers and others were made public in files related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the White House acknowledged the breach Thursday and worked to mitigate the harm.

The National Archives and Records Administration will scrub the files for Social Security numbers, and the Social Security Administration will issue new numbers to those exposed by the inadvertent release, a White House official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the plan.

Extortionist-In-Chief.  He’ll keep extorting as long as his targets pay up:

Paul, Weiss is one of three firms targeted in new Trump executive orders. The firm’s chairman, Brad Karp, has reached an agreement with President Trump that essentially allows the White House to dictate its internal personnel policies as well as what cases it agrees to take on. Most notably it obligates the firm to provide $40 million of pro bono legal services to pro-Trump causes including “the President’s Task Force to Combat Antisemitism, and other mutually agreed projects.” Note that “other mutually agreed projects.” So this is essentially a pro-bono legal defense fund at President Trump’s personal disposal. It appears this “agreement” is between Karp and the President personally.

At this point I wouldn’t imagine that many potential clients will be choosing Paul, Weiss to sue the administration. But even on a more general standard of zealous representation, if you were involved in litigation antagonistic to the White House and represented by Paul, Weiss, is there any possible way you could feel confident in the integrity of your defense or its lawful loyalty to your interests?

I could go on, but why darken your mood any more than I’ve already darkened it?

What do you want to talk about?

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  1. SussexWatcher says:

    The quality of Meyer’s staff should be in question – especially since we don’t know who the hell those staff members are. All governors in recent memory (except BHL) posted a list of the office’s staff and titles on their website. Meyer has not done so.

    Not to sound like a conspiratorial nutjob, but what is he hiding?

    Do we have to file a FOIA request just to find out who’s being paid with taxpayer dollars?

    That’s hardly transparency, Matt.

  2. As of just now, Tuesday’s House Agenda has not been posted. That’s, to put it mildly, unusual. And, I’m thinking, not coincidental.

    So, feel free to spend your weekend contacting your State Rep and ask them which team they’re on: Team Elon or Team Equal Justice For All?

  3. Arthur says:

    Once we all fully understand, realize and accept that there is nothing actually illegal if you are a politician our collective anxiety will go down

  4. jason says:

    With SB21, its getting hard to know which billionaires to trust.

  5. It’s 12:20 pm. The House Tuesday Agenda STILL has not been posted.

    The agendas are generally posted shortly after session concludes on Thursday.

    This could well be a stealth attempt to try and sneak SS1/SB 21 through w/o much public notice.

    Rep. Phillips’ amendment is true good governance. Contact your state legislators. Ask them if they’re on your side or if they’re on Elon Musk’s side. There is no grey area with this amendment. I’m already working on a lit piece with Ray Seigfried side-by-side with Elon. Anybody can do it. And should, if supposed D legislators sell out for Musk.

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