The FIRST Delaware Occasional Political (Non-)Weekly Of The 2026 Cycle: Nov. 2024 to March 23, 2025

Filed in Delaware, Featured by on March 24, 2025 11 Comments

Presented to you, for now, whenever the occasion warrants it.  I think you’ll agree that that time is now.

Let me start with a message to D challengers who intend to use your opponents’ fealty to Elon Musk against them, as you should.  I assume you are all humane people, you recognize that even the most hopeless lickspittles have feelings.  I beg you, beg you, to let your opponent choose which picture of Musk they want right next to their picture in that inevitable brochure.  They may choose from either of the following:

Elon Musk salutes as he speaks during an inaugural event in Washington, DC, on Jan. 20, 2025.
Angela Weiss/AFP via Getty Images


Elon Musk wearing dark clothing, a dark hat and sunglasses and holding up a chain saw as he appears to yell onstage at CPAC. To the right is President Javier Milei of Argentina, holding two thumbs up.
Credit…Eric Lee/The New York Times

1. Which picture will Ray Seigfried choose?  Upon being sworn in to fill out the term of Kyle Evans Gay, this sad-sack suck-up just couldn’t wait to sign on to SS1/SB 21 as a co-sponsor.  He then joined Sen. Bryan Townsend in cheerleading for the bill at an RD 10 Democratic committee meeting.  Shay Frisby, who narrowly was defeated for the nomination at a Party Caucus, still has her active campaign committee, and is almost certain to take on Seigfried in an SD 5 primary where the voters will get to choose the nominee this time.

2. Which picture will Krista Griffith choose?  The RD 12 State Rep. is the likely floor manager for this bill.  She’s already publicly opposed a relatively innocuous amendment to the bill.  And, yes, she already has a primary opponent who opposes the legislation.  She’s well-connected, too.  Her name is Sara Altman.  You can sometimes tell a campaign by its treasurer.  Here is hersHere is his upcoming corporate law article.  Read it.  Suffice it to say that he doesn’t take the side of Musk’s attorneys and legislative followers in this dispute.

3.  Which picture will Kevin Hensley choose?  To be fair, Hensley can render this question moot altogether by voting against this Musk-pass legislation.  However, he too, has a D opponent with a legit chance to knock him off…especially if all those seniors in his Middletown-area district decide that they can’t trust someone who worships at the altar of Elon Musk.  Her name is Gemma Lowery, and she’s the Real Deal.  She has also been active in advocating for screening and treatment of those impacted by Triple Negative Breast Cancer, which particularly impacts minority women.

4.  Look Who’s Filed A Campaign For AG–in 2028.  Unless, come to think of it, the current AG primaries Chris Coons, which I’d love to see.  After all, she’s the only one suing Trump’s ass in this state.  We need more like Kathy Jennings.  Which includes the person who has filed.  How about…this guyThat’s right, folks, Dwayne Bensing of the Delaware Chapter of the ACLU has filed for Attorney General.  (Hmmm, really makes me wonder whether Jennings will challenge Coons…she’d whip his butt.)  I find this filing–fascinating.  Especially since the ACLU has also been suing Trump.  No shrinking violets need apply.

5.  A closer look at those ‘non-partisan’ advocacy groups.  The ‘Citizens To Revitalize Delaware’ appears to be a pro-development group helmed by real estate attorney Scott G. Wilcox.  Ya just gotta love their stated purpose:  ‘Advocate for the improvement of Delaware for all constituents while supporting campaigns with similar aims and goals’.  Who could possibly be against that?  ‘Common Ground Delaware PAC’ is the latest iteration of Ellen Barosse’s anti-choice crusade.  Don’t know if she’s still the Delaware Rethugs’ National Committeewoman, but she was.

That’s all I’ve got for now.  What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?

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  1. puck says:

    Both pictures are essential. The choice should be: Which one on the front of the mailing, and which one on the back?

  2. BTW, It’s 11:16 on Monday morning. There is STILL no House Agenda for tomorrow.

    My guess? The Speaker probably doesn’t want to make other House members walk the plank.

    Y’see, there was a reason why the Senate and the Governor wanted this passed so quickly. Because they knew that their arguments couldn’t withstand prolonged public scrutiny. I have no idea how this will end.

    For those on the fence, might I suggest–just not showing up? A not voting or an absent is the same as a no when a constitutional super-majority is required…

  3. I kinda like the first one. Why? Because it goes great with a caption like, “Ray, I SALUTE you for your service.”

  4. puck says:

    It’s so easy for the SB21 debate to fall into the pro-business/anti-business trope, in which corporations are seeking to take advantage of consumers.

    But SB21 isn’t corporations vs. consumers – it’s the billionaires vs the millionaires, and consumers should be rooting for the millionaires.

    • People who have pension plans that invest in stocks have a major stake. It is why the California Public Retirees are so opposed to the bill. Because it would provide cover for reckless CEO’s like Musk who would not be held liable when their stock tanks because they’re, um, like Musk.

      I’m a retired state employee, so even I have skin in the game, as does every other retired teacher and government employee.

    • paul says:

      ☑️ like

  5. Deeds says:

    There is a group active in recruiting a primary challenger in each Senator or rep district who support SB 21. Already some names out there.

    Stay tuned

    • I wouldn’t primary EVERY supporter of the bill. Especially on the Senate side, since the bill was rushed through there before the bill’s warts were revealed.

      But, everybody in the House now knows that this bill is being run to mollify the Elon Musks of the corporate world.

      They’ll know it when they vote tomorrow–IF they vote tomorrow.

  6. The House Agenda has FINALLY been released, and, yep #4 on the Agenda, if not in your hearts, is the Musk-Pass legislation.

    Gonna be quite the day in Dover tomorrow…

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