Governor Two-Face Strikes Again

Filed in Delaware by on March 2, 2017

The other day Governor Two-Face signed an executive order to end racism, discrimination in state government. This is good, very good. That same day, Governor Two-Face refused to financially support early childhood education in Delaware. This is bad, Trumpian bad. The News Journal summed up Governor Two-Face’s problem succinctly:

Our schools and educational system need to improve, but we don’t want to pay for that improvement.

It’s time to lead Governor Carney, not hide.

About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Oh, and, while signing that executive order, he’s hung the Acting Labor Secretary, who was brought on to specifically end racism at the Department, out to dry.

    His actions and inaction trump his PR efforts.

  2. Jason330 says:

    Carney’s utterly limp, ineffectual approach to everything (other than advancing the goals of the state Chamber of Commerce) make me wonder if he is trying to rehabilitate the reputation of Ruth Ann Minner.

  3. puck says:

    He’s trying to recapture the Minner magic.

  4. Alby says:

    I’ll never forget the words of a former friend, a Democrat who used to comment here but stopped when he realized I knew who he really was. This was during the Markell/Carney primary campaign: “John Carney has spent 8 years preparing himself to be governor.”

  5. Anon says:

    Jason. Governor Carney appears to be getting guidance from RuthAnn Minner. He recently met with Ruthann, John Schroeder, and I think Lorraine Flemming on how to keep funding open space despite the documented failures of DNREC and the Open Space Council to follow the law.