Open Thread For August 12, 2017
Karen Hartley-Nagle Accused Of Mistreating Staff. This is what happens when we elect people who run to try to prove their self-worth rather than run to serve the public. She’s just as bad as we thought.
How Scott Pruitt Destroys The EPA’s Mission In Secret. This is what Steve Bannon’s America looks like.
Speaking Of Which…EPA Not Responding To FOIA Request On Pruitt Conflicts. The Worst Person In America chose The Most Anti-Environmental Person in America to run the EPA.
Oregon Mandates That Workers Get Their Schedules With Reasonable Lead Time. One in six Oregonians receive less than 24 hours notice of their schedule for the following day. This law mandates that employees receive their schedules at least a week in advance. I’d love to see this bill introduced in Delaware.
Court Orders Sussex County Council To Reconsider Rejection Of Proposed Shopping Center. I’m sure that supporters were shocked that Sussex County Council voted to reject anything.
Manchin’s Name Floated As Energy Secretary. You see what they’re doing here, don’t you? Rethug governor would appoint his successor, and, just like that, Obamacare repeal could happen.
There are working farms tucked in all around in Rehoboth, even right behind one of the Tangier outlets. Those blasted NIMBYs
A good essay on the uses and abuses of identity politics:
Best line in weeks on election aftermath, from Salon article “My Meeting With Donald Trump”:
“They [reporters] were all in a state of shock, like staff at an asylum who woke one morning to find that the patient who thought he was Napoleon had just been named emperor of France.”
KHN is an incompetent grifter. If at first you don’t succeed, run, run, run, run, run, run, and run again until you win. Ugh.
Think I’m gonna do a piece next week on the Delaware ‘Vanity Candidacy Hall of Infamy’.
The danger is that sometimes they win. KHN, KWS, and Dennis E. Williams come to mind. All disasters.
You were all fine with her when KHN set out to character assassinate KWS in ’10-’11 now you lump them together. Then you were giddy to see her work to destroy Tommy G, the hypocrite wing was more than pleased to push her narrative when it suited your purpose. Your boy St. Matt cashed in on her vitriol. You reap what you sow and deserve what you get. Enjoy her!
That, of course, is a lie. Nowhere did I express any support for KHN. Come to think of it, I coined the term ‘Karen Harpy-Nagle’. In fact, I pointed out time after time the crappy choice that the voters had for Council President.
Seriously, you’re a demented piece of work. Just like the nincompoop who threw some bucks your way.
We sure as fuck reaped what we sowed with both of these utter incompetents. Every time you open your yap you demonstrate just how fucked up your boss was and no doubt still is. And you are.
Define “all.”
if the glove doesn’t fit you are not “all” If you protest too much well…….maybe:)
FWITW I have never in my life collected a political check as a staffer of a campaign staffer. I’ve written plenty but have at it:)
OK, Gymrat, I stumbled on this clusterbleep of a thread from 2011:
You will note that, throughout this thread, I was consistently critical of both Karens. Even though I’m not necessarily proud of everything I wrote here, you have once again been proven to be full of shit. Operative quote:
“KHN is just another in a line of narcissistic would-be reality TV stars who have no place in the political process.
What’s really bad is that some of these people actually get elected. See Stewart, Karen Weldin.”
Try spinning that one.
BTW: “I have never in my life collected a political check as a staffer of a campaign staffer”?
Even by your standards, that is unintelligible.
“You were all fine with her when KHN set out to character assassinate KWS in ’10-’11 now you lump them together. Then you were giddy to see her work to destroy Tommy G, the hypocrite wing was more than pleased to push her narrative when it suited your purpose. ”
This is all such utter bullshit that is laughable.
Of course Gymrat is correct that he “never collected a a staffer”. He omits the fact that KWS’ campaign finance report showed monthly checks to ‘Gymrat” in the 2012 campaign. Maybe not a “staffer” but he sure spent alot of time (and money) sending out defamatory accusations against her main opponent. Guess his work for her and his regular checks were unrelated.
Someone please tell me what the hell is going on with the Delaware Government. First we have HS ripping off the City. Now we have KHN treating an employee like a piece of shit. And I just read on Delawareonline that someone is ripping of the DHSS. I really think it is time for the FBI to start looking at all of these politicians. This BS is getting out of hand. And they talk about the thinks that Trump does. Please!!!
I’ve stopped calling for anyone to investigate any Delaware public official. After more than eight years of doing it on this blog, I realize it’s a waste of time. I’m especially PO’d at our last two AG’s who I thought might have had some sense of moral outrage at all this Delaware Way stuff. I was wrong.