United State of Pop 2008
This is the top 25 pop songs of 2008 as mashed-up by DJ Earworm. Though I probably know less than half of the artists (I am getting old), this video is quite cool. Well worth the five minutes of your time.
This is the top 25 pop songs of 2008 as mashed-up by DJ Earworm. Though I probably know less than half of the artists (I am getting old), this video is quite cool. Well worth the five minutes of your time.
I always choose a song of the year to remember the year by. It may not be the best song of the year, but it is a song that makes me remember that year very clearly in the years ahead.
This year, it is Coldplay’s Viva la Vida, and you hear the beat of that song throughout the above video.
Since you will probably ask:
2007: Snow Patrol / Chasing Cars and The Fray / How to Save a Life
2006: 30 Seconds From Mars / From Yesterday
2005: The Killers / Mr. Brightside
2004: Linkin Park / Numb
2003: Celine Dion / I Drove All Night*
* Don’t laugh, that song reminds me of a specific and horrific incident that happened this year, and it was playing on the radio at the time.
2002: Linkin Park / In the End
2001: Five for Fighting / Superman
2000: Vertical Horizon / Everything You Want
That was pretty neat even though I didn’t know half the songs either. (I’m tragically unhip.)
That was pretty neat even though I didn’t know half the songs either. (I’m so hip that I’m way too cool for most pop) 😉