Hillary Clinton’s Attacks On Bernie Sanders Are Um, Untrue
Let’s first figure out what she’s complaining about. As near as I can tell, and I’ve read a lot about her book, she claims that Trump would never have called her Crooked Hillary had Bernie not hammered her for accepting obscene fees to speak before her corporate overlords. She makes that claim w/o any supporting evidence. Allow me to stipulate that neither Bernie nor Cheeto would have hammered her corporate ties had she not done what they accused her of doing. She accepted about $22 million in fees for speeches, most of the money coming from those who routinely lobby government. Here’s a pretty comprehensive rundown of what she got and from whom. Scroll down to that bottom graph and, if you have it, use a magnifying glass.
Bernie Sanders ran a campaign based largely on challenging the notion that those with the big coffers and powerful lobbyists should determine our country’s future. Is Hillary really saying that Sanders should not have made this a campaign issue? If so, she never learned anything about politics or about running for office. She made those speeches, she banked those big bucks, so it’s fair game.
Once Clinton won the nomination, Bernie Sanders and his staff worked to ensure that her coronation in Philadelphia was a huge success. Despite King Cheeto’s proclaiming that Bernie should resent Hillary and support him instead, Bernie did everything he could on Clinton’s behalf. First at the convention. More from the convention. And then on the campaign trail. He campaigned tirelessly for her, most notably in states that she didn’t bother to visit. States like Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, among others. Also Colorado, North Carolina (with Clinton), Iowa, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere. Check out this New Yorker article. An excerpt:
Since conceding defeat in the primaries, Sanders has been one of the real champions of this campaign. He let his supporters yell at him and deride him as a sellout in bleak delegate breakfasts at the Democratic National Convention, in Philadelphia, as he endorsed Clinton and explained why they needed to do the same. He made getting support for her his priority, putting aside any subtle, undermining gestures that might have better preserved his rebel-rock-star status. He has kept doing so despite other revelations in the Podesta e-mails, ones that are not about him personally but about issues that he believes in—for example, about money in politics, as exemplified by the Clinton team’s nurturing of donors. And he has earned the right to negotiate hard on such issues in the future.
As Sanders finished his speech in Raleigh—“We have to do everything that we can to elect Secretary Clinton!”—Clinton and Pharrell were on their feet, cheering. “Wow!” Clinton said, when she took to the rostrum. “Whew! I gotta say, after hearing from these two extraordinary men, I feel all fired up and ready to go for the next five days!” She knew what it was like to run against Sanders. Having him on her side was “a lot more fun.” A few hours later, Sanders was off on his own to Iowa. Trump is ahead in that state, in the latest average of polls, by about two and a half points. Sanders had three events scheduled for Friday—Cedar Falls, Iowa City, Davenport. On Saturday, there would be more.
That was but a sample of what Bernie Sanders did on behalf of Hillary during the campaign.
Here’s what Hillary now has to say about Bernie:
I didn’t get anything like that respect from Sanders and his supporters. And it hurt, you know, to have basically captured the nomination, ending up with more than 4 million votes than he had. But he dragged it out, and he was so reluctant. But why would we be surprised? He’s not a Democrat. And that’s not a slam on him; that’s just a repetition of what he says about himself.
How much more fucking respect did she think she deserved? He went all in for her, pleaded with his supporters to vote for her, campaigned for and with her right up until Election Day, and this is how she responds?
As to this ‘he’s not a Democrat’ meme. He represents far more of what the Democratic Party has traditionally stood for than Shillary ever has. In Hillaryworld, being a Democrat means running interference for Goldman Sachs.
What Hillary is now engaged in is revisionist history. Sometimes revisionist history is worthwhile. When truth is on its side. Here’s what to remember: In this case, she is lying and the record PROVES she is lying.
Another instance where facts have a liberal bias. Remember this the next time some Third Way lackey tells us we have to fall in line for the next corporate enabler fresh off the Clinton/Carper assembly line.
Attacks on Bernie?
She reported what happened.
No she didn’t. She selectively omitted facts which prove that she’s full of crap. Reporting it’s not.
He went out of his way to help her. More than most defeated candidates ever offer. And she goes all victim on us by blaming him.
Dear Hillary,
You are the “Typhoid Mary” that afflicts the Democratic Party. Your apoplectic rantings (in order to assure more book sales and money then you could ever possibly spend) will rend the remaining fabric of the Democratic Party if left unchallenged. You have displayed many of the same paranoid and delusional symptoms that many feel are obvious in Trump. Your egotistical musings that someone/everyone else is to blame for your obvious and consistent personality and defective judgements would certainly qualify you for an audition with one of those stupid reality shows. How about a spinoff of “DIVAS” (without a clue).
Dear Madame Secretary, get a grip. You’ve used up your 15 minutes of fame and a lifetime of humiliation. If you had shown the slightest sign of Democratic idealism and confronted your corporate allies and sponsors by exposing their lack of concern for economic justice you may have sparked a bit of enthusiasm among progressives. If you had, even once, confronted some of the flaws in Obama’s ACA and offered suggestions to improve it such as “single-payer” or “public-options” or reigning in Big Pharma you may have ignited a fire in progressive attitudes. If you had expressed even the slightest interest in staunching the flight of jobs and manufacturing to other countries (challenging your corporate masters to help solve that woeful state of affairs) you could have fanned those flames of progressives and ordinary middle-class working people into a conflagration that would have defeated this sorry excuse of a president. But you chose not to speak against, preach about or condemn this Wall Street, Chamber of Commerce, Corporate America that Trump moves so comfortably in (leaving only that snail-like trail as evidence of his presence). Please stop attempting to categorize Senator Sanders as a plagiarizing and blustering voice “crying in the wilderness”. His genuine concern for the rights and fairness and dignity that middle-class Americans of all creeds, ethnicities and socio-economic status deserve is a matter of record
Representative John Kowalko
Bernie lost the primary ‘battle’ but he won the idea ‘war.’
He’s in DC getting most of the current and serious Dem senators to sign on to his Medicare for all health care plan. and Hillary is sulking and drinking lots of wine (maybe whine?!) in Chappaqua.
I’m sick of the Third Way. Let’s get back to the First Way.
Claiming something caused something else without offering anything but a timeline as evidence is not “reporting.” It’s “concluding.”
In 2008 25% of Clinton primary voters cast their general election ballot for John McCain.
In 2016 12% of Bernie Sanders primary voters didn’t cast their general election ballot for Clinton.
I voted for Hillary Rodman Clinton last November because I believe it was a moral imperative. Trump is an embarrassing disgrace and Clinton obviously would have been a competent president. However, Hillary Clinton is a liar and not a good person.
Mr Vanella wrote:
Given that Mrs Clinton was way ahead in all of the polls, didn’t you at least consider voting third party? Mrs Clinton defeated Mr Trump by over seven percentage points in the First State, while Gary Johnson and Jill Stein took 3.32% and 1.37%, respectively.
Of course, I totally misguessed how Pennsylvania would turn out. Looking at the polls, and knowing that no Republican had carried the Keystone State since 1988, I simply assumed that Mrs Clinton would carry the state easily, and I voted for Mr Johnson.
No. My moral imperative doesn’t consider the electoral college calculus. This “well Delaware’s locked up so I’ll make some sort of individual protest statement from the voting booth” thing is for people who don’t want to make difficult decisions.
Whatever your calculus, you have to admit the fact Delaware never matters is a moral failsafe.
That’s exactly why I usually vote minor party for president — it doesn’t matter anyway, so might as well protest the major party candidates that way.
I’m a little puzzled by the morality argument. If I were going to insist on morality in politics, the individual’s vote is the last place I’d start.
I’m not convinced by arguments that something “never” matters. From a moral perspective of decision-making this seems dubious.
I’m not down with making what is a morally terrible decision because I don’t believe it’ll have a bad future consequences. If the highly unlikely and terrible outcome does happen is my action excused because I didn’t think it would matter? I say no.
I find Trump and his movement repugnant. There was one legitimate candidate against him. That’s it.
My vote for President hasn’t counted since 1988, since I’ve never voted for the winning candidate when in a state that the winning candidate carried since then. If all of the states used the Nebraska/Maine system of determining electoral college votes, my vote would have counted in 2004.
Eliminating the electoral college itself would require a constitutional amendment, and given that it has greatly benefited the GOP recently, there will never be enough Republican votes in either Congress or the states to change that.
I found Gary Johnson not much different than Trump in his economics and Jill Stein a fraud