End of Year Polling Results

Filed in Delaware by on January 2, 2009

Sorry for the delay in getting these results out.  My power was out at home for a few hours on NYE and so my prep work for my NYE party was compressed when the power came on, allowing no time for compilation.  And yesterday… too tired to even look at the post.  Sorry for the delay.

Congratulations to the winners.

Scandal of the Year:

Delaware Psychiatric Center” and “Anything with Karen Weldin Stewart” tied with 23% of the vote.  “Money spent on Carney by the Democratic Party” and “Workforce Housing” tied for positions 3 and 4 at 15%.

Post of the Year:

The team post (FSP/DL/Tommy/Maria) on windpower” won with 32% of the votes cast in the category.  Second place was “Dom’s post on Ashley” with 27%.

Biggest Delaware Policy Screwup of 2008:

This was our biggest runaway victory of the whole poll.  “Eminent Domain” won hands-down with 55% of the votes.

Comment of the Year:

This goes to “Anything by El Somnambulo” with 40% of the votes cast.  Next best was “Murderboy by Jason” with 32% of the vote.

Rookie of the Year:

The Mourning Constitution with 36% of the vote edged out Lower Slower Delaware by 10 percentage points.

Blog of the Year:

I am proud to announce that despite some freeping by one of the competitors, DelawareLiberal.Net won with 46% of the vote, just edging out Common Sense Political Thought with 40%.

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  1. nemski says:

    Hmm, Delaware Liberal won. What a surprise. 😉 Maybe next year Dana.

  2. anon says:

    Delaware Liberal is now the worst blog in the state. Insufferable bores.

  3. nemski says:

    And yet anon #2, you keep coming back.

  4. G Rex says:

    Consider yourself lucky, Geek. Friends of ours didn’t get their power back until 10 PM; by that time they’d canceled their New Year’s party.

  5. MJ says:

    Al Franken just advised me to ask for a recount. Supposedly there are 133 uncounted votes from Duluth sitting out there. 🙂

  6. Unstable Isotope says:

    I think the poll was rigged!

  7. Well, controversy aside, I would just like to say thank you to everyone who voted for me. It is astonishing to me that my blog is read at all. Thanks again for the vote of confidence.

  8. jason330 says:

    Next year we should try to get the Delaware State News to run this end of year blog poll as a feature.

    It would be objective and the irony of having to buy an actual paper, clip out a ballot and send it using the US mail would be like a meta absurdist performance art piece.

  9. liberalgeek says:

    I would go one further… You have to write your answers on your chest and show up at the opening of the legislative session topless to have your vote counted.